
On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 10:45 AM Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org> wrote:
> +1
> On 16/07/2023 08:10, Mohan, Deepthi wrote:
> > @Chesnay
> >
> > Thank you for your feedback.
> >
> > An important takeaway from the previous discussion [1] and your feedback 
> > was to keep the design and text/diagram changes separate as each change for 
> > text and diagrams likely require deeper discussion. Therefore, as a first 
> > step I am proposing only UX changes with minimal text changes for the pages 
> > mentioned in the FLIP.
> >
> > The feedback we received from customers cover both aesthetics and 
> > functional aspects of the website. Note that most feedback is focused only 
> > on the main Flink website [2].
> >
> > 1) New customers who are considering Flink have said about the website 
> > “there is a lot going on”, “looks too complicated”, “I am not sure *why* I 
> > should use this" and similar feedback. The proposed redesign in this FLIP 
> > helps partially address this category of feedback, but we may need to make 
> > the use cases and value proposition “pop” more than we have currently 
> > proposed in the redesign. I’d like to get the community’s thoughts on this.
> >
> > 2) On the look and feel of the website, I’ve already shared feedback prior 
> > that I am repeating here: “like a wiki page thrown together by developers.” 
> > Customers also point out other related Apache project websites: [3] and [4] 
> > as having “modern” user design. The proposed redesign in this FLIP will 
> > help address this feedback. Modernizing the look and feel of the website 
> > will appeal to customers who are used to what they encounter on other 
> > contemporary websites.
> >
> > 3) New and existing Flink developers have said “I am not sure what the 
> > diagram is supposed to depict” - referencing the main diagram on [2] and 
> > have said that the website lacks useful graphics and colors. Apart from 
> > removing the diagram on the main page [2], the current FLIP does propose 
> > major changes to diagrams in the rest of website and we can discuss them 
> > separately as they become available. I’d like to keep the FLIP focused only 
> > on the website redesign.
> >
> > Ultimately, to Chesnay’s point in the earlier discussion in [1], I do not 
> > want to boil the ocean with all the changes at once. In this FLIP, my 
> > proposal is to first work on the UX design as that gives us a good starting 
> > point. We can use it as a framework to make iterative changes and 
> > enhancements to diagrams and the actual website content incrementally.
> >
> > I’ve added a few more screenshots of additional pages to the FLIP that will 
> > give you a clearer picture of the proposed changes for the main page, What 
> > is Flink [Architecture, Applications, and Operations] pages.
> >
> > And finally, I am not proposing any tooling changes.
> >
> > [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/c3pt00cf77lrtgt242p26lgp9l2z5yc8
> > [2]https://flink.apache.org/
> > [3] https://spark.apache.org/
> > [4] https://kafka.apache.org/
> >
> > On 7/13/23, 6:25 AM, "Chesnay Schepler" <ches...@apache.org 
> > <mailto:ches...@apache.org>> wrote:
> >
> >
> > CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not 
> > click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know 
> > the content is safe.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 13/07/2023 08:07, Mohan, Deepthi wrote:
> >> However, even these developers when explicitly asked in our conversations 
> >> often comment that the website could do with a redesign
> >
> > Can you go into more detail as to their specific concerns? Are there
> > functional problems with the page, or is this just a matter of "I don't
> > like the way it looks"?
> >
> >
> > What had they trouble with? Which information was
> > missing/unnecessary/too hard to find?
> >
> >
> > The FLIP states that "/we want to modernize the website so that new and
> > existing users can easily find information to understand what Flink is,
> > the primary use cases where Flink is useful, and clearly understand its
> > value proposition/."
> >
> >
> >  From the mock-ups I don't /really/ see how these stated goals are
> > achieved. It mostly looks like a fresh coat of paint, with a compressed
> > nav bar (which does reduce how much information and links we throw at
> > people at once (which isn't necessarily bad)).
> >
> >
> > Can you go into more detail w.r.t. to the proposed
> > text/presentation/diagram changes?
> >
> >
> > I assume you are not proposing any tooling changes?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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