Erik B. Craig wrote:

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Jason Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 4:01 PM, Hernan Cunico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

        Well, from the wiki -> Geronimo documentation, there are 3main
        sets of samples, well actually 3 now.

        1- Migration samples
        2- Sample applications
        3- Tutorials

        1- Migration samples. These should not be in svn unless we plan
        to maintain and test sample applications that are intended for
        JBoss, WebLogic, WAS, Tomcat or any other platform we want to
        explain how to migrate from. It could potentially include the
        need to maintain features/technologies we do not support or may
        never support.

    Isn't that what's already occurring?  I believe the migration
    samples have applications attached to them that are designed for
    JBoss and the sample explains how to convert it to Geronimo.  These
    would need to be updated based on the changes that occur both in
    JBoss and Geronimo.

Correct, this is what I'm working on because they haven't been really kept up to date - and we don't want to get burned by someone trying to get something going or migrated that we say we have support for but have no supporting documentation or samples. When rewriting sample apps and documentation for 2.0, they are all meant to go from jboss to geronimo. The process involves validating functionality on the latest JBoss release (4.2.2GA in that case), updating documentation where necessary, updating code where necessary, and then ensuring the migration steps are still valid, and making changes to both documentation and code where needed.

Ok, so we all know what it'll take and agree to carry on with this. Then we 
should figure out a way to link what's on svn and the corresponding doc.
Confluence still does not support svn so I haven't figured out an alternative 
way to ensure they are in sync. Any idea?



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