
I am checking at our web profile assemblies to ensure it met the
requirements for Java EE 6 web profile and prune the unnecessary
artifacts.   I've been mainly look at the tomcat7-javaee6-web and I
have some comments/questions:

felix core: i assume we'll always ship 2 osgi runtime?

connector (geronimo-connector, geronimo-connector-builder, connector
spec):  I think openejb uses connector, so we may have to keep it in.

java ee management 1.1:   Unchanged from Java EE 5.  I assume this is
provided by geronimo-management.  Not sure if we could remove this?

java ee deployment 1.2 related:  Unchanged from Java EE 5.   we may
have to keep it in, to keep existing deployment work.

geronimo-javamail: can we get rid of it?  think the answer is yes.

geronimo-jaspi: can we get rid of it?  think the answer is yes.

geronimo-webservices, geronimo-webservices-builder:  think we could
remove these.

geronimo-yoko, yoko: think we could remove these.

spec jars: we seems to include all specs in web profile assembly.
things that can be removed:  aspic, jaxr, jaxrpc, jaxws, dims, saaj,

mina: think we could remove it... not sure which web profile function
it related to.

ops4j, pax-loggin-api, pax-url-mvn, pax-url-wrap: think these are just
test dependencies that were put into the assembly incorrectly.

tranql: think we could remove it.

openejb: anything we could do so that we can just have the ejb-lite function?

pluto/portal: I assume these are needed for admin console so we need it.

I don't see activemq artifacts in our assembly, which is good!

Thoughts/Comments appreciated, before I make any changes...


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