For the OpenEJB, I do not see that it is possible to have only ejb lite
For those spec jars, if they are there, I think that they should be required
by other components. Like Jaxws, some classes are refered by OpenEJB.
BTW, we might search the dependencies.xml for the jar dependency, e.g. mina
is referenced by sshd.

2010/8/20 Lin Sun <>

> Hi
> I am checking at our web profile assemblies to ensure it met the
> requirements for Java EE 6 web profile and prune the unnecessary
> artifacts.   I've been mainly look at the tomcat7-javaee6-web and I
> have some comments/questions:
> felix core: i assume we'll always ship 2 osgi runtime?
> connector (geronimo-connector, geronimo-connector-builder, connector
> spec):  I think openejb uses connector, so we may have to keep it in.
> java ee management 1.1:   Unchanged from Java EE 5.  I assume this is
> provided by geronimo-management.  Not sure if we could remove this?
> java ee deployment 1.2 related:  Unchanged from Java EE 5.   we may
> have to keep it in, to keep existing deployment work.
> geronimo-javamail: can we get rid of it?  think the answer is yes.
> geronimo-jaspi: can we get rid of it?  think the answer is yes.
> geronimo-webservices, geronimo-webservices-builder:  think we could
> remove these.
> geronimo-yoko, yoko: think we could remove these.
> spec jars: we seems to include all specs in web profile assembly.
> things that can be removed:  aspic, jaxr, jaxrpc, jaxws, dims, saaj,
> ccpp?
> mina: think we could remove it... not sure which web profile function
> it related to.
> ops4j, pax-loggin-api, pax-url-mvn, pax-url-wrap: think these are just
> test dependencies that were put into the assembly incorrectly.
> tranql: think we could remove it.
> openejb: anything we could do so that we can just have the ejb-lite
> function?
> pluto/portal: I assume these are needed for admin console so we need it.
> I don't see activemq artifacts in our assembly, which is good!
> Thoughts/Comments appreciated, before I make any changes...
> Lin


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