In a message dated 01-09-05 17:29:58 EDT, you write:

> True enough for everyone.  (Except any who might be here as
>  a job assignment.)  The question I asked was, 'Why do you
>  want to be here?'  An answer of 'none of your business' is
>  perfectly acceptable (though probably not constructive), and
>  certainly preferable to pointless insults that do not address
>  the question.

Mr... I don't owe you or anyone else any fucking explanations
for why I choose to contribute to a public domain software project.

Get off your pulpit.

No one here is asking to be my 'friend' nor am I asking for 
the same in return.

You guys want my code... and you will probably get it even after
all this bullshit from bored guys like you sitting in a cubicle 

Code talks... bullshit walks. That's always been the Apache
way... am I right? mod_gzip for Apache 1.3.x kicks ass and
so will the 2.0 version. It is a HUGE benefit to a lot of working
stiffs out there and in the current economic climate we have
'thank you' emails from poor slobs all over the world whose
bandwidth is now cut in half and they can survive without
having to pay telco bills they can't afford.

Kevin Kiley

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