Ryan Bloom wrote:
> Not long after the current tag/roll procedure was developed, we had this
> same situation, and Roy himself agreed that rolling more than once a
> week discouraged people from testing the tarballs.

Not sure what this "Roy himself" comment means... like it's some sort
of Voice From On High. When did the opinion of any one person, no
matter who, become Gospel? IIRC the comment was based on having
tarballs too frequently as a matter of course, not neccesarily because
of this type of situation. I think we all agree that once a tarball
is "public" (meaning that non-developers have the *potential* of
grabbing it) if there's something wrong with it, we have to bump
before we reroll.
   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]   http://www.jaguNET.com/
      "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
             will lose both and deserve neither" - T.Jefferson

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