On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 10:15:51AM -0500, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
> I disagree.  Once the tarball has been created the number cannot
> be used again.  Too many eyes watch this list and the site and
> siphon off tarballs as soon as they're created (much less
> announced).

Part of that was resolved earlier by having the dev.apache.org/dist
directory.  Perhaps we need a /dist/httpd/dev directory where we
can place preliminary tarballs before releasing?  We need to place
tarballs somewhere where the developers can get to them so that we
can perform sanity checks on them before "officially" announcing.

In this case, if you actually read dev@httpd, you were probably
aware that we screwed up the rolling the first time.  We made no
other announcement of it outside this list yet, so if you got a bad
tarball before we released it, I'm not too concerned.  Once we've
made any sort of public announcement, we can't take the tarball
back.  And, we updated the how_to_release page to indicate that you
shouldn't read it.  That'd help a bit.  -- justin

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