Graham Leggett wrote:

Henri Gomez wrote:

Well let see my suggestion :

ProxyPass /myWebapp/*.jsp ajp://myajpworker/

myajpworker is not a machine but a virtual resource which could be :

- a physical Tomcat using its AJP/1.3 connector

- a cluster of physical Tomcats using their AJP/1.3 connector

And via AJP/1.4 we could make Apache 2 learn about cluster updates
in real-time.

Could we have this kind of Virtual Forward service used with mod_proxy ?

It's quite possible yes - currently mod_proxy has proxy_http and proxy_ftp to speak HTTP and FTP to the backend, it would make sense to put in proxy_ajp which could speak AJP to the backend, and would have the advantage of following the same config directives as the rest of proxy.

Well :

- mod_proxy + proxy_ajp could be one solution.

Now what about the mod_proxy load-balancing add-on ?

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