On 02/06/2013 01:47 AM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
I won't be able to make the session but would add that because of a lack
of mod perl support with 2.4, we have not fully embraced it.

I have created lot of patches to build mod_perl with httpd-2.4 and sent them upstream. Unfortunately during the last year, there was nobody to review them or comment them. Few hours ago I've even ported new auth API to mod_perl and I'm going to send it upstream too. There were also people who offered their help on mod_perl mailing list with no response.

Yesterday I have asked in mod_perl IRC channel to get the commit permissions so I could merge my patches with their (really old and unusable with current httpd-2.4) httpd24 branch and they agreed. Now I'm waiting for mail from PMC to get the permissions.

The problem is that I have little experience with Perl or mod_perl. I'm trying to improve current situation, but I don't want to be the upstream, because I'm not active mod_perl (or even Perl) user.

So to sum it up, I think the only reason why there's no mod_perl for httpd-2.4 is that there are no people who would have time (or be interested) in maintaining it.

Maybe there is someone here who loves that project so much that he could actually help maintaining it?

Jan Kaluza

Might be others in a similar boat!

"William A. Rowe Jr." <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:

    I've found the following data summary very useful in terms of
    drill-down capability;


    while their breakdown/segmentation tabulations provide some
    interesting data such as;


    The very limited 'free' tabulation remaining from SecuritySpace
    seems to back up this assessment;


    There seems to be a worthwhile discussion about the challenges
    presented by 2.4 which have adversely affected its adoption,
    during the ApacheCon Hackathon Mon 2/25 in Portland.  I'd like
    to set aside time about 11am for that discussion for anyone who
    wants to participate.

    Once we take away some good information from that roundtable,
    it would be worthwhile to hold a BoF later in the week especially
    for end users who are looking at or challenged by adopting 2.4.

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