Am 22. April 2016 01:07:45 MESZ, schrieb sebb <>:
>On 21 April 2016 at 21:27, Felix Schumacher
><> wrote:
>> Am 21.04.2016 um 22:19 schrieb Felix Schumacher:
>>> Am 21.04.2016 um 22:12 schrieb Milamber:
>>>> On 21/04/2016 19:42, Felix Schumacher wrote:
>>>>> Am 19.04.2016 um 20:06 schrieb Felix Schumacher:
>>>>>> Am 19.04.2016 um 19:40 schrieb Vladimir Sitnikov:
>>>>>>> Felix>I thought of a social bar at the right side of the content
>>>>>>> where only small buttons are shown for the various social media
>>>>>>> (like twitter, g+ or facebook). A sample of such an
>>>>>>> could be seen on
>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>> I have done a simple setup for how it might look like on
>>>>>> The links at the bottom are not valid, they will probably have to
>>>>>> constructed using javascript.
>>>>> I have uploaded a new version,
>>>> I'm not sure that the "Contact:" word need to be add, and not sure
>>>> that the "Mail" button is needed (isn't a "email", but a link to
>>>> mailing-list page)
>>>> I thinks that will be better if we remove Contact: and Mail button.
>>> Have done it. We could probably add a github link there.
>> Updated my test page to contain a github link, but I am not sure,
>whether I
>> like it, so will not commit it.
>That's great.
>I think we can now delete the social hub menu section.
>BTW, the Apachecon icon top right seems to be truncated on the right.
>Could not work out what the problem is - any ideas?

The ad is inside an iframe. We can't control the css/style of the elements 
inside that iframe. Those elements get the default values from the used 
browser, which means, that the have a few paddings or margins. Therfore the ad 
is a bit larger than the image it shows. 

I have given the iframe a bit more space now and it seems to be better. 


>> Felix
>>> Felix
>>>>> where the links are filled in properly. I will probably commit the
>>>>> later, if noone objects.
>>>>> I removed the twitter button in the navigation, as its
>functionality has
>>>>> moved to top of the content div.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>  Felix
>>>>>>> Felix>The badges for github
>>>>>>> I think just one github icon is enough, and "number of forks,
>>>>>>> of stars" might be just dropped.
>>>>>> The question remains, where that badge should be placed.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>  Felix
>>>>>>> Vladimir

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