Hello Matt,

Thanks for responding...

On 17.1.2017 17:31, Matt Post wrote:
> Hello,
> Joshua would be suitable to this. We have models built for FR→EN and ES→EN. I 
> want to improve these because some certain data was left out. I could also 
> build ones for the other direction.
That's excellent news. Can you please tell me a bit more about what you
mean by having models for FR→EN and ES→EN ? Does this mean that the tool
is ready to be used by other applications (e.g. mailman) to auto-translate?

Have you had any previous experience with similar implementation as I
> One question — What do you mean about 3rd party services being 
> "untrustworthy"?

We wish to auto-translate lists with private conversations, so we can
not run those by systems where we don't know (don't have control of)
what happens with the data. That's all, I didn't want to accuse anyone.



> matt
>> On Jan 16, 2017, at 12:27 PM, Karel Novotný <ka...@apc.org> wrote:
>> Hello developers,
>> I am new to this list, so missing a lot of background. Apologies
>> beforehand for eventually dumb questions...
>> We would like to build a self-hosted machine translation system that
>> could be plugged into our mailman installs. The objective is that the
>> members of our multicultural network would be able to send email in
>> their mother language and it would be delivered to the list
>> machine-translated (and vise versa). The translation pairs we care about
>> most are EN<->FR and EN<->ES
>> Our dream scenario is:
>> 1. A translator machine is installed on our server, so the messages
>> don't need to be run through untrustworthy 3rd party services (googletrans)
>> 2. Mailman (or similar) is connected to such a translator
>> 3. Mailing list users can opt to receive messages sent to the mailing
>> list in following format:
>> ----
>> Message body
>> ----------------------
>> Message body translated
>> -----
>> 4. Similarly, the system can be configured so that when receiving
>> messages from specific senders the messages get translated from FR or ES
>> into EN
>> Our default language used on lists is EN
>> Is Joshua relevant for this? Any previous experience with similar setup?
>> I suppose that a lot of configuration would be needed, but at this point
>> I want to know if I am not completely mistaken when considering your
>> Joshua for this.
>> Thanks
>> karel
>> -----------------------
>> -- 
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Karel Novotny 
>> Knowledge Sharing & Network Development Coordinator
>> APC - The Association for Progressive Communications 
>> https://www.apc.org
>> GSM: +420 605 243 246 (GMT +1)
>> jabber: ka...@riseup.net
>> Working/online: Monday - Thursday
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> My public OpenPGP key: 
>> https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7FDEF502377E4FCA

Karel Novotny 
Knowledge Sharing & Network Development Coordinator
APC - The Association for Progressive Communications 
GSM: +420 605 243 246 (GMT +1)
jabber: ka...@riseup.net
Working/online: Monday - Thursday
My public OpenPGP key: 

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