Karel — On this point, I don't think you should have to use the tutorials, 
which tell you how to identify training data and build new translation models 
yourself. I imagine that you would be more interested in downloading pre-built 
models that don't really require you to be an expert in MT. See this page:



> On Jan 17, 2017, at 12:07 PM, lewis john mcgibbney <lewi...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Karel,
> The short answer is yes.
> I would advise you to start at the Tutorial
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/JOSHUA/Getting+Started
> If you find anything which causes you problems then please write back here.
> Once you have skipped through the tutorial then you will have a much better
> feel for the workflow required.
> I can see the Apache Tika language identification and translate API's being
> of particular use here when considered in a runtime context. We have a
> Joshua implementation over in Tika which can aid you in this task however
> try the Joshua tutorial first.
> Lewis
> On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 7:41 AM, Chris Mattmann <mattm...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi Karel,
>> I would recommend moving this thread to dev@joshua.incubator.apache.org
>> instead of the private list. I’ve moved private to BCC.
>> Thank you.
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> On 1/16/17, 6:58 AM, wrote:
>>    Hello,
>>    We would like to build a self-hosted machine translation system that
>>    could be plugged into our mailman installs. The objective is that the
>>    members of our multicultural network would be able to send email in
>>    their mother language and it would be delivered to the list
>>    machine-translated (and vise versa).
>>    Are we on the right track with Joshua? I suppose that a lot of
>>    configuration would be needed, but at this point I want to know if I am
>>    not completely mistaken when considering your sw for this.
>>    Thanks
>>    karel
>>    --
>>    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>    Karel Novotny
>>    Knowledge Sharing & Network Development Coordinator
>>    APC - The Association for Progressive Communications
>>    https://www.apc.org
>>    GSM: +420 605 243 246 (GMT +1)
>>    jabber: ka...@riseup.net
>>    Working/online: Monday - Thursday
>>    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>    My public OpenPGP key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=
>> 0x7FDEF502377E4FCA
> -- 
> http://home.apache.org/~lewismc/
> @hectorMcSpector
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/lmcgibbney

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