On 19.1.2017 15:15, Matt Post wrote:
> Karel — On this point, I don't think you should have to use the tutorials, 
> which tell you how to identify training data and build new translation models 
> yourself. I imagine that you would be more interested in downloading 
> pre-built models that don't really require you to be an expert in MT. See 
> this page:
>       https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/JOSHUA/Language+Packs

Thanks Matt for clarifications: Actually did download the language pairs
yesterday and tried to run them to test the webapp by doing:

./joshua -server-port 5674 -server-type http
firefox "web/index.html?server=localhost&port=5674"

However, it started consuming more and more memory until it jammed my
computer completely (dual core 8GB ram). It might have been some bad
config on my side though, or some other omission.

Our sysadmin should be able to make use of the API you mentioned.

If all sentences must be sent separate.... Then I suppose that there is
no way that we would automatically re-compose any formatting
(paragraphs), right? Having translated text in one big block or as
separate phrases on separate lines might make translating of messages a
bit challenging.

As for the volume.... While this is difficult to estimate, I've made a
calculation based on monthly volume in list archives in the absolute
peak month. The average per day is approx 1000 sentences, so it might be
around 3000 in peak days.

thanks for your interest in this.


> matt
>> On Jan 17, 2017, at 12:07 PM, lewis john mcgibbney <lewi...@apache.org> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Karel,
>> The short answer is yes.
>> I would advise you to start at the Tutorial
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/JOSHUA/Getting+Started
>> If you find anything which causes you problems then please write back here.
>> Once you have skipped through the tutorial then you will have a much better
>> feel for the workflow required.
>> I can see the Apache Tika language identification and translate API's being
>> of particular use here when considered in a runtime context. We have a
>> Joshua implementation over in Tika which can aid you in this task however
>> try the Joshua tutorial first.
>> Lewis
>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 7:41 AM, Chris Mattmann <mattm...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Karel,
>>> I would recommend moving this thread to dev@joshua.incubator.apache.org
>>> instead of the private list. I’ve moved private to BCC.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Chris
>>> On 1/16/17, 6:58 AM, wrote:
>>>    Hello,
>>>    We would like to build a self-hosted machine translation system that
>>>    could be plugged into our mailman installs. The objective is that the
>>>    members of our multicultural network would be able to send email in
>>>    their mother language and it would be delivered to the list
>>>    machine-translated (and vise versa).
>>>    Are we on the right track with Joshua? I suppose that a lot of
>>>    configuration would be needed, but at this point I want to know if I am
>>>    not completely mistaken when considering your sw for this.
>>>    Thanks
>>>    karel
>>>    --
>>>    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>    Karel Novotny
>>>    Knowledge Sharing & Network Development Coordinator
>>>    APC - The Association for Progressive Communications
>>>    https://www.apc.org
>>>    GSM: +420 605 243 246 (GMT +1)
>>>    jabber: ka...@riseup.net
>>>    Working/online: Monday - Thursday
>>>    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>    My public OpenPGP key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=
>>> 0x7FDEF502377E4FCA
>> -- 
>> http://home.apache.org/~lewismc/
>> @hectorMcSpector
>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/lmcgibbney

Karel Novotny 
Knowledge Sharing & Network Development Coordinator
APC - The Association for Progressive Communications 
GSM: +420 605 243 246 (GMT +1)
jabber: ka...@riseup.net
Working/online: Monday - Thursday
My public OpenPGP key: 

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