Hi Christian,

I'm agree with both of you :)

We are going to release Karaf 3.0.0, not Karaf 2.3. It means that the end-users 
expect some new features in Karaf 3.0.0.

I'm agree with Andreas to add two main enhancements/new features in Karaf 3.0.0.

But, as you rightly said, we also need to focus on the code cleanup.

I propose to choose two enhancements to be included in Karaf 3.0.0, and 
postpone the others to 3.1.0.


On Mon 11/07/11 15:16 , Christian Schneider  wrote::

Hi Andreas,

I don´t think we need killer features to do a 3.0.0 as we can do feature 
enhancements in 3.1.0 without any problems. We should instead focus on 
refactorings that may break code and remove deprecated stuff.
These should go into 3.0.0 as we should try to stay compatible in the 
minor releases that follow.

In general I would like to get out 3.0.0 as soon as possible. This can 
only be done by postponing some feature to 3.1.0. I think this does not 
hurt much. We need time to create the more complicated features anyway 
and we can do the 3.1.0 release quite soon.

So I think the question is: Will the features you named (profiles, Kar 
files, enterprise repository) break APIs? If yes they need to go into 
3.0.0 or we at least need to change the APIs. If no then I see no need 
to halt the release as we can put them into 3.1.0.


Am 11.07.2011 14:26, schrieb Andreas Pieber:
> TBH I'm not too happy with the current roadmap. There are only
> bug-fixes or minor enhancements which are also backported to 2.x; IMHO
> we're missing at least 1-2 killer features making it worth for people
> to upgrade to 3.x. We had various of those topics  in the karaf
> birthday (btw, when will be the next one? This was fun :)) discussion
> and on our roadmap. By link:
> * 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KARAF/Apache+Karaf+First+Birthday+Meeting+%282011-06-16%29>
> * https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KARAF/Roadmap>
> By name:
> * Clustering (ok, this is cellar and already possible on 2.x)
> * Karaf profiles&  Kar files (IMHO this is one of the most important
> features for 3.x and not present in the issues by now; there had been
> considerable work on this by David, but still, we're missing a
> possibility to start e.g. CXF without modifying some files in etc)
> * Karaf Enterprise Repository (No issue and no work on this by now)
> * JDK 1.6 (done)
> * Tooling&  dependencies (here is still some work to do (and no issues)
> * JAAS easy configuration (is it easier by now?)
> * Improve Karaf development platform
> * Web Console (I think this is not such a thing for 3.x; I'll provide
> a prototype for this one with pax-wicket asap pax-wicket reaches 1.0
> (latest end auf August I hope)
> * Karaf Cave OBR (OK, not relevant for 3.x; rather a new subproject)
> OK, with all of them named I think Karaf-3.0 should at least contain
> two of the above mentioned features to be REALLY valuable for all
> people. Considering the threads on related mailinglists (smx, cxf,
> camel, ...) I think the following two should be definitely in 3.0 (at
> least for 70% and usable):
> * Karaf profiles&  Kar files
> * Karaf Enterprise Repository

Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect
Talend Application Integration Division http://www.talend.com

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