On 12/03/2017 12:25 PM, Rafael Weingärtner wrote:
> Gilles, I actually do not know the reason behind this limit on data
> sources. I am fairly new to kibble project. Let´s see what Daniel or others
> have to say about this limit.

The limit is somewhat arbitrary, but we would favor smaller projects
over behemoths like Commons at the moment. We're trying to, at one hand,
figure out how many sources we can cram into the single demo box we have
at our disposal, while also trying to get as many projects involved as
possible. I know from elsewhere that we would need something like 5-6
times the resources we currently have, if we were to put the entire ASF
into the Kibble demo, and we don't currently have a budget for that.

Now, the entire ASF would be around 7,500 source objects, so 100 is a
very low limit, granted. If the Commons project has an actual interest
in using Kibble for reports and what not, we can get them added - the
thing to remember here is merely that we'd favor getting as much bang
for our buck as possible.

I did some quick checks of available resources, and we're not using a
whole bunch yet, so we can probably aim for 200 source objects for now,
and still be fine.

With regards,

> On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 10:30 PM, Gilles Sadowski <er...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> On 2017-12-02 21:27, Rafael Weingärtner <rafaelweingart...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> How should I handle adding apache commons?
>>> If I add all of the sources we will go over the limit of 100 sources. In
>>> Github there are 72 projects, and on Jira there other 70+ projects.
>> A lot of projects, yes; but most of them are quite small, and many
>> have very low activity.
>> Would that mitigate usage resources?
>> If the number above is a hard limit, I'll ask the ML for a priority list...
>>> At
>>> least the mailing list seems to be only the ones found here:
>>> https://lists.apache.org/list.html?u...@commons.apache.org
>> The "dev" ML should rather be selected.
>> Gilles
>>> On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Gilles Sadowski <er...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>>> Hello.
>>>> On 2017-11-27 19:26, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>>> PS: Please note, we have limited capacity for these tests. We cannot
>>>>> have every single ASF project in the demo, and we reserve the rights
>> to
>>>>> pick the projects that can participate, should we get a lot of
>> requests.
>>>> Would you consider adding the "Commons"[1] projects?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Gilles
>>>> [1] http://commons.apache.org/
>>> --
>>> Rafael Weingärtner

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