Thank you for the reality check Alessandro.

Any other community willing to share experiences ? I would really like to know what are the commonly accepted best practices for the current PO based workflow ?

I'd really like to know myself how people translate with the current workflow as I feel we're missing something.

In the Italian community we're currently translating most of our files directly on Pootle which may be considered a good translation workflow management system but a very poor translation editor.
So far we've tried different solutions:
- we downloaded the PO files and tried to translate them with OmegaT but we had problems with the TMX matching and with the reconversion to SDF (gsicheck errors);

That is correct. The PO and the TMX do not match so the translators must be extra careful when re-using contents from the TMX, basically that means adding manually all the extra "\" that PO has added.

- we extracted XLIFF files from Pootle and tried to translate them with the OLT Editor but the tool didn't even open them as it considered the XLIFF files not well formed;

No comment here.

- we converted the PO files using the OLT Filters, it worked, but then it proved so slow in handling the TM that we had to give up on that;

Here, the idea would be to have the OLT filters directly handle the SDF format, but I fear that would not change much for the overall performance. Unless the TMX files were trimmed down a little bit maybe. Like having separate TMX files per module (which would shrink them to the ~k segments each I suppose, instead of the 50k+20k chunks that we have now).

- we translated some of our content with poEdit but that editor is as poor as Pootle from this point of view (no TM and no glossary).

That is correct.

I have tried to install Kbabel on OSX yesterday and I see that it has limited TMX support, but had no time to check further. Plus, the TMX contents and the PO contents not matching we would have problems similar to work with OmegaT I suppose.

So far I find the method for translating SDF files proposed by Jean- Cristophe the best way to work on the translation but it seems to be not compatible with Pootle which we are using as well. What we, as translators, really need is a method to translate effectively using TM and glossaries just like we do in the professional world. OmegaT would have it all: a glossary extracted from SunGloss can easily be converted for the tool and the OmegaT TM engine works very well... but then, obviously, we need a TM that matches the content to be translated.

Which is why the solution I proposed based on SDF is the best in my opinion.

Regarding Pootle, it is possible to "upload" the result after the translation is completed ? If yes, you could translate based on SDF, convert the result with oo2po and upload that to Pootle to ensure your data is properly managed there ?

Jean-Christophe Helary


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