On 02/07/2008, at 3:25 AM, Frank Peters wrote:


It seems extremely unlikely that turning off link underlining or adding another font in the Help would cause build problems. So it is not reasonable to delay these changes because the build doesn't work.
So then take the css supplied with the build, put it under a vi
office and check whether the fix is ok. If so, set the issues to
verified and after hu and pl have been verified, approve the CWS.
Marcin has already verified the fix for pl. We're just missing hu.

Petr has verifed hu. If you see the vi css files okay, you can
go ahead and approve the CWS.

Inserted into DEV300_m21, the updated CSS files display the Help correctly, with the two changes we made (no link underlining, slightly different default fonts).

Other team members confirm this for other architectures (the unfortunate one is trying to debug his install), so I will go ahead and confirm the CWS. I haven't done this before, so I need to follow the wiki doc. I'll report back. :)

from Clytie

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

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