On 01/09/2015 02:26 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On Thursday 08 January 2015 11:32:48 Carsten Haitzler wrote:
>>> What is unacceptable is not being allowed to review.
>>> There were multiple offers for review at the time when the APIs were being
>>> designed, but no opportunity for that was given. Not even to ensure
>>> compatibility with 3.0 needs, such as multiuser or 3-domain SMACK.
>>> Therefore, we still reserve the right to review. If a feature is found to
>>> be incompatible with a major Tizen 3 goal, it can and will be modified
>>> (or even removed), regardless of whether 3rd parties may be using it.
>> wait a sec. you write that as if you (intel) are the sole owners of
>> tizen as of 3.0 onwards - the needs of let's say tizen mobile or
>> anything else that is being worked on in tizen 2 land still are
>> irrelevant in your view of tizen if those needs were to clash with for
>> example ivi needs.
> Hi Carsten
> This comes from the simple fact that all changes to Tizen need to be 
> reviewed. 
> Since the review was skipped in the 2.3 development process, it needs to 
> happen now. Every developer is allowed this right and the governance requires 
> it to happen.
> "Compatibility with 2.3" cannot be used as a reason for accepting a broken 
> change that wasn't reviewed before. It could have been if the change had been 
> reviewed -- that would have been our collective mistake.
> That said, I don't expect this to be a big deal. Since the 2.3 development 
> process could not accept the offer of review, I expect that the development 
> redoubled its efforts to review to compensate from the lack of feedback. 
> Besides, the goals for 3.0 were known at the time (and much of it already 
> implemented!), so it's reasonable to expect that those goals were taken into 
> account in developing the 2.3 goals.
>> you might want to realize that there are more people involved in tizen
>> than just intel and the needs of others matter too. what you are saying
>> is that, for example, multiuser needs of ivi trump the needs of mobile
>> and you will use the tizen review process to enforce that. that is the
>> tone of your email.
> No, that's not what I am saying at all. I was specifically saying that Mobile 
> needs *don't* trump IVI needs. I was fearing that "2.3 compatibility" would 
> be 
> used as an excuse to break what has been done.

but you were saying that ivi needs DO trump mobile (for example). that
multiuser as a feature (a requirement for ivi), is reason enough to
break compatibility for 3rd party mobile developers. that an api can be
removed (thus breaking compat) if it were to make ivi multiuser
break/have problems etc.

> In fact, I am saying that multiuser needs of IVI deserves the *exact* same 
> respect and attention as the mobile needs. The multiuser support was reviewed 
> and discussed before being accepted. Therefore, all other changes to Tizen 
> Mobile 3.0 need the same.
> So this is simply what Dominique was asking for: visibility of the changes so 
> that they can be properly reviewed by anyone interested.

but that is not what your prior email said. what you say now makes
sense, but it comes with a gotcha. changing apis (removing, modifying
names, arguments or functionality that would break what they are
documented to do that developers rely on), is not something you can just
decide to do arbitrarily because it may break another feature. you did
say it WILL be broken (modified or even removed) if a conflict is found,
and that is making a statement of decision already that compatibility is
irrelevant to you when it comes to tizen development vs goals.

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