First of all a big thanks to Cassandra to help coordinate and build
our ref guide to make it professional. It really used to be pathetic
before you took over

. Yes we need to avoid "creating work" . There should be no need for a
ref guide release.

+1 for your plan

On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 11:57 PM Cassandra Targett
<> wrote:
> The pages do already have a “Site last generated” date on them at the bottom. 
> It’s specifically worded that way for a reason.
> We actually wanted the date the .adoc file was last updated to be in the 
> footer too, but the problem has always been that a static site generator 
> always regenerates all pages every time - so every single page, edited or 
> not, always has the same exact date on it.
> And, our build works by copying everything under `solr/solr-ref-guide/src` to 
> `solr/build`, so every file really has a create date and last updated date 
> that are always the date you do the build. Basically, the files you see and 
> work with are not actually the same files that get built - we build from 
> copies that are made at build-time.
> (That’s all why it says “Site last generated” instead of “Last updated”.)
> I’m not saying there’s no way to add a last updated date for the underlying 
> file, it’s just not obvious how to do it so we skipped it.
> No problem, though, adding a link to Github - that’s actually kind of a 
> different thing and I’m pretty sure we could do that right now.
> Cassandra
> On Sep 19, 2019, 7:07 AM -0500, Anshum Gupta <>, wrote:
> I agree that we should be able to fix mistakes, my only suggestion was that 
> those mistakes not be non-trivial. But the more I think about it, the more I 
> feel convinced about just publishing the updates - however, having a time 
> stamp on when the guide was last updated would be nice to have. Anything else 
> would require much more effort and I'm not sure it's worth it.
> On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 2:48 PM Chris Hostetter <> 
> wrote:
>> : > However Anshum does make a good point that users wouldn't know when
>> : the pages have changed. I think it would be great to have a link on each
>> : ref-guide page that shows the last modified date and links to the
>> : history of that page in github
>> : Perhaps we could instead provide a single HTML page or HTML table as
>> : part of or alongside each guide, showing all commits touching the guide
>> : on that branch after the release. Could probably be baked in as part of
>> : the release script. Using the release date or git hash for the release,
>> Yeah, there are a lot of options we could pursue for generating a
>> "changes" list as part of an automated build process -- but i would
>> consider this idea a "nice to have" feature that shouldn't block moving
>> forward.
>> Given 2 options, I would much rather:
>>   a) have the ability to quickly/easily "fix" mistakes/ommisions in
>> "official X.y ref-guide" on our site and have it automatically republish,
>> w/o it being immediately obvious to users that a page may have changed
>> between yesterday and today.
>>       ... over ...
>>   b) *NOT* being able to re-publish at all just for the sake of users
>> knowing that the (incorrect) content they are reading is consistent
>> between yesterday and today.
>> -Hoss
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> --
> Anshum Gupta

Noble Paul

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