is considered old? It still happens to me with that. I use
git at work every day.

I think there are two reasons why i see this:
1) I always like to run 'svn status' (actually followed by svn diff,
too), before committing as a final review to make sure i'm changing
what i'm thinking i'm changing. I must be able to do this with git

2) After a merge, I like to run tests to ensure I won't actually break
things. I do this with svn too (e.g. run all tests after merge
--reintegrate). Tests can take some time. The phone might ring, i
might have to walk the dog, i might go get a beer. When i come back,
god forbid I run step 1 again to see what my current state is, or
re-run tests too.

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Benson Margulies <> wrote:
> I've never seen anything like this with any modern version of git. We
> use it at work, we have many branches.
> On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Robert Muir <> wrote:
>> My final biggest complaint with git is the bugginess of 'git status'. After
>> operations like merging (which can get complex), it will lie to you and tell
>> you your checkout is clean, when in fact its not: if you then type git push
>> it will push lots of commits. This is a real problem if you work on many
>> repositories, it means you must fall back to using patches and such
>> anyway... Aka... Git does not really work
>> On Jan 2, 2014 3:52 PM, "Mark Miller" <> wrote:
>>> bzr is dying; Emacs needs to move
>>> Interesting thread.
>>> For similar reasons, I think that Lucene and Solr should eventually move
>>> to Git. It's not GitHub, but it's a lot closer. The new Apache projects I
>>> see are all choosing Git. It's the winners road I think. I don't know that
>>> there is a big hurry right now, but I think it's inevitable that we should
>>> switch.
>>> --
>>> - Mark
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