Daniel Carrera schreef:

Cristian Driga wrote:

It took me 2-3 months before I understood how things work when I joined and then I started participating. And it passed another 2-3 months before what I did started to show results. As nobody here is full time employee you should expect lack of response even to good ideas and you should continue untill they get roots and flourish. This is something you seem not to understand in an open source project.

I want to be a bit careful here. I don't want to support Steven's approach, because I think it was too aggressive to be helpful.

I know it is agressive and that is because of only one reason. People tell me that OOo marketing sucks and that leads this and that and they do not have the guts to react. The burocracy in this is unreal. If this were openminded opensource, it would not be like this.

But regardless of who's right and who'se wrong, I'd like to make a small comment about this paragraph:

4-6 months seems like an awfully long lead time. Open source is supposed to evolve quickly because it doesn't have the restraints that a Cathedral has. Other open source projects don't have a 4-6 month wait between first appearance and first contribution. In other projects I've seen, it's been more like 1-2 weeks.

Thank you Daniel.

The OOo marketing project is focused on personal contribution and wanting to be a part of it seems lake a big deal. So is the huge demand for respect for who did what. I have seen discussions about who started something... This is all about getting aknowledgement and approval. I have a different mindset, I will not claim any work done by me or as result of any of my actions. I have seen very valuable volunteers and contributors leave because of this and think it is a waste.

I do not get it. The last two or three weeks since we've started the wiki in an attempt to solve the lack of interactive tools problem, the project is in changing.

Cristian, I think you've done a fantastic work with the wiki and moving the project forward.


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