Hi Eric,

>> You can't be serious.  NeoOffice *IS* OpenOffice.org.
> NO,  NeoOffice IS NOT OpenOffice.org;
> - license modified, not compatible with LGPL (and this is intended)
> - other name AFAIK different letters have been used
> - they fix bugs without return code
> - they ask for money and never reverse anything
> Last but not least these people "claim" they are another product.
> So, please, stop to confuse people, or yourself.  NeoOffice is not
> OpenOffice.org, and has nothing to do with OpenOffice.org project, simply.

here we go again...did you get the notion that you quoted Chad's remark
out of the context he had made it in? Did you get that that context was
that technologically NeoOffice is pretty much OpenOffice.org because it
is 98% (or whatever) OpenOffice.org code? Did any of your comments
relate to that particular fact that Chad's remark was about or are you
just once again stressing the ridiculous conflict we all are - thanks to
your great efforts and the recent discussions - pretty much aware about

So, if you want to oppose Chad's notion that the functionality in
NeoOffice would be pretty much the same as OpenOffice.org because the
codebase is pretty much the same, please do so. But please, next time
your red alert lamp starts flickering at the notion of NeoOffice and
OpenOffice.org in one sentence, please read the whole paragraph.
God damned!

We got it, ok? Yes, NeoOffice is a *different project* and not
OpenOffice.org. Technically, though, it *is* 98% OpenOffice.org.
Technically, though, it *is* a port. A lot of the program is the same.
Would you otherwise be so bothered about that they let you do all the
bugfixing work? Eric, please! Get sinsible, again!

I really see your point in making clear that it is a different project.
I really understand that you have resentments for them because of the
conflicts you pointed out.
I really understand that you do a lot of work there and I really,
really, really admire that.
I really think that a lot about NeoOffice sucks (like the way they
propagate themselves in contrast to OOo and that ridiculous "Early
Access Program" - I wonder if that's according to the GPL - shouldn't
you make the source available as soon as you make the program available?
And shouldn't you do that for free? But then I don't know the GPL in
that aspects all too well).
Anyway, besides all that, I really, really, really want to ask you to
take some time and think about your ways of communication on that topic.
Because i personally think it really sucks as well.

Even though i might repeat myself:
I don't like the ways of NeoOffice, either, but you are terribly
starting to go on my nerves. And no, that doesn't mean i disrespect your
work or you as a person or anything, but it means that i disrespect the
way you take every single smallest occasion to throw your "NeoOffice IS
NOT OpenOffice.org" onto the masses.

And to put my own confusion into the whole topic:
OpenOffice.org is about openness, right? Does that openness include
openness to co-existing projects or not? Do we tolerate different
approaches or do we want to be "the only one"?
Furthermore, does the LGPL give everyone the right to just fork off and
not contribute back? Could that maybe one of the aspects of openness
that we have to wrap our minds around as well, when we praise it?
(There was an interesting discussion recently on the firefox-dev list
about exactly the same topic.)
And i really don't think one has to necessarily agree to that joining
efforts into one project is better than working side by side in
different projects. It can inspire each side as well. That there is a
one-sidedness about the code exchange is rather bad, of course.

>>   They took the source
> A lot of workarounds to make believe the user it works.

It seems that for a lot of users it actually *does* work.

>> code and made it run in Java instead of X11.
> We, not me alone, but a Team (Mac port), are working to a REAL**  NATIVE
> product : using Carbon API, and we refuse to use Java.

Is that the third time you state that in the same thread? We got that,

Yes, really, we got that you guys are working on a technologically
superior (and in that sense "correct" - if you want to) mac port of
OpenOffice.org. A port, as well, that contributes back, doesn't ask for
money and *is* officially and in all aspects OpenOffice.org.

Doesn't change the fact that *currently* a mac user who find
OpenOffice.org for Mac and NeoOffice, might choose NeoOffice, because
the user experience is better, no matter how crappy it is implemented.
And this is exactly what Chad's site said from the very beginning. It is
not disrespectful of your work, because it doesn't say anything about
your work. If for you disrespectfulness equals not praising your work
wherever NeoOffice is mentioned, ... i don't think i need to continue
this sentence.

> BTW, Java is Sun and is like X11 : not native on Mac OS X.

Well, i really don't have a big clue about Mac OS X, but as i understood
it, Java comes preinstalled with the system. Hence the user doesn't need
to install it separately like X11. Furthermore, Chad's explanations
about that the X server being represented as a separate program is bad
user experience also makes sense to me.

And BTW: in one of your other mails you blame Chad for considering
people stupid and then say "what if Sun drops Java support for Mac".
How likely is that?

> One more time for the deafs : NeoOffice IS NOT OpenOffice.org

One more time ... blablabla: We got it!

Just because you are doing a lot of good work, you shouldn't feel
entitled to behave in a way that draws people willing to support OOo in
other ways than in which you do support it, away.

And BTW, that
"Let's talk about personnal contributions for OpenOffice.org project..."
paragraph...really don't know if i shell laugh or cry about that. How
about we all just put our dicks on the table and measure them, to get
over with it?

Yes, Eric, we - Chad, I, a few others i have come to know within the
arts project so far, and probably 95% of OpenOffice.org supporters - are
not doing as much as you. But in the context that you did put that
paragraph in - a context that was about Chad defending himself as being
an OpenOffice.org supporter (bad enough he has to) - your whole
paragraph together with that "What is your contribution?" at the end,
does state nothing else than "your support is inferior to mine". So
thanks for making us feel small and incapable, even though we already
spent voluntarily whatever time and efforts we are willing and able to,
on our support. Did you express your respect for our work here as much
as you want everyone to express their respect for yours?

Please, think about all this. You are starting all these fights because
you think supporting NeoOffice is bad for our community, but what do
these rants do to our community? They piss them off.

So what, we don't need such minor contributors like Chad as long as we
have heros like you? Wrong. Plain wrong. Think about it. Please.


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