
Le 3 juil. 06 à 10:58, André Wyrwa a écrit :

Furthermore, does the LGPL give everyone the right to just fork off and
not contribute back?

No idea, but interesting question.

Could that maybe one of the aspects of openness
that we have to wrap our minds around as well, when we praise it?
(There was an interesting discussion recently on the firefox-dev list
about exactly the same topic.)

I don't follow Firefox-dev mailing list, sorry

A lot of workarounds to make believe the user it works.
It seems that for a lot of users it actually *does* work.

Technically, I'm not sure this is as good at it looks... And users are not objectives : only appearances seems to be important for them.

IMHO, 10MB of code cant be anything else than appearance...

Again : our work is a deep and long term work. Waiting we can stop with X11, OpenOffice.org for Mac OS X works, and we are proud it works.

Native port does progress every days, and will replace X11 version asap.

This is the most important for OpenOffice.org project.

Yes, really, we got that you guys are working on a technologically
superior (and in that sense "correct" - if you want to) mac port of
OpenOffice.org. A port, as well, that contributes back, doesn't ask for
money and *is* officially and in all aspects OpenOffice.org.

Doesn't change the fact that *currently* a mac user who find
OpenOffice.org for Mac and NeoOffice, might choose NeoOffice, because
the user experience is better, no matter how crappy it is implemented.

Is it so important? We only have to focus on Mac port first : a lot of very interesting work has to be done.

Another important point : I (sorry, me again) as often as I can, insist to provide a complete documentation, to really *free* the code : not only comment it (already in the code),

but explaining the design, the organization of the OpenOffice.org par of code we have to modify, and why.

With simple words and simple diagrams.

We started with vcl - obviously - and will probably continue with avmedia (player), dtrans (drag and drop), sfx2,svx (controls)...etc

Maybe other. This helps twice :

- this helps us to implement everything, including have a constructive opinion about what can be modified - new devs coming are happy to understand how things are organized, and are efficient faster

Once I'll find some time, I'll document the bridge (the heart of OpenOffice.org), I learned it for the Mac Intel port. Not to replace the excellent documentation Daniel Boelzle already wrote, but just complete with simple sentences and make it more easy to understand.

From a new comer point of view.

What we need is a *real* support from marketing project : we need developers, we need communication, and users will come.

"real support" means : support only one Mac port, us .

Simple, stupid, but efficient.

BTW, Java is Sun and is like X11 : not native on Mac OS X.

Well, i really don't have a big clue about Mac OS X, but as i understood
it, Java comes preinstalled with the system.

Yes, but the problem is quite the same ...

Hence the user doesn't need
to install it separately like X11. Furthermore, Chad's explanations
about that the X server being represented as a separate program is bad
user experience also makes sense to me.

Unfortunaly, since Mac OS X 10.4 (aka Tiger) , X11 is no more pre- installed, no more downloadable, and we pay the full price the fact we have to help Mac users for install it.

This is one more thing not helping us.

And BTW: in one of your other mails you blame Chad for considering
people stupid and then say "what if Sun drops Java support for Mac".
How likely is that?


If I'm not wrong with the mail you mean, I exactly wrote (simple copy paste ) : "BTW : just imagine one minute Apple decides to drop Java ..."

What I want to say is "Apple always decides alone", without advertise. And the only way to stay "Apple compatible" is to use Apple API, either Carbon or Cocoa.

Any other choice will very probably be a bad one, in average or long term, and OpenOffice.org choices can't be short term.

e.g. integrate changes in OpenOffice.org build process, and QA process without any glitch is not short term plan, really.

Please, think about all this. You are starting all these fights because
you think supporting NeoOffice is bad for our community,


That's not only because "I" think, please, and yes, I won't stop to take care of that.

The best thing for the Marketing project is to encourage OpenOffice.org projects first.

Mac OS X porting project is one of OpenOffice.org projects, and must have priority.

FYI, I already asked help from marketing project : http:// marketing.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=22189

I have even try to contact marketing project lead ...

So what, we don't need such minor contributors like Chad as long as we
have heros like you?

Indeed, you're right : I'm not so important, but please, stay correct: I just wanted to say my contribution was more constructive/ usefull for OpenOffice.org project than insulting people or cry, like Chad did.

Last but not least, I sure will stop to contribute a day, simply disgussed.

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