Graham Lauder wrote:
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We shouldn't be selling the software. As Ian pointed out in an earlier post, the software sells itself when you get the chance to show it off. We need to be selling the migration process. We need to be selling people ie MarCons, making them easily contactable. Developing local businesses around OOo support, developing partners in local markets. Local people/companies so that we can promote the message that spending on Open Source is keeping money local.

That's a good idea. Where does the list of "approved" people/companies come from? I'd like my business to be on it.

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Another point/suggestion I'd like to test the water with:
This advertising has to be about brand awareness, presales if you will.
The best medium for raising brand awareness is Television. The most wide spread and trusted TV medium in the English speaking world that has a very high corporate viewing audience is BBC World, not huge in the US I know, but outside the US, it's influence is large. I think a portion of the online and the promo parts of the budget spent there could be very valuable if we agree that we are confining this campaign to English speaking regions. This subject to cost of course. 4 x 30sec placements per day for a week timed for late prime GMT UK programme (10pm and 1am GMT) and late prime Asia Programme would probably be the minimum useful. (As an additional note here: the "" lends itself really well to a TVA. Punchy and memorable. Very easy to turn to a call to action.)

The BBC editorial teams seem to be quite "pro" Open Source generally (Unlike the team behind the i-Player). There have been some good examples such as the "In Business" Radio 4 programme that recently looked in depth at the Open Source phenomenon: Also there is a "technology" programme on BBC World called "Click". I'm certain they have covered Open Source in the past, although living in the UK, I tend not to watch it very often, but they broadcast it on News24 too sometimes. Why not get one of the main OO.o spokespeople to talk to them about a piece for that. That would be free!



Alan Lord

The way out is open!

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