On Sat, 2007-10-27 at 20:16 +0000, jonathon wrote:
> Sharud wrote:
> > As it is confusing with name "OpenOffice" , therefore we should raise this 
> > issue.
> It is too late now, but
> * "OpenOffice.org" should have been trademarked in at least every
> major country, prior to being released;
> * "OpenOffice" should have been trademarked in countries in which it
> was not already a trademark;
> * The OOo logos should have been trademarked, prior to release;
> I realize that trademark registration is expensive. 

Not that expensive. IIRC it was about £250 ($500) to trademark the
INGOTs and The Learning Machine in the UK. So in the whole scheme of
things trademarking OOo in the G8 countries is a negligible cost
compared to the salaries of the developers, community manager and web
site hosting etc.

> Without, there
> will eventually come a point where OOo will be legally required
> to/forced to change names, because the usage by OOo is a trademark
> infringement. (What is the current number of countries where the OOo
> L10N team has to use a name other than OOo when distributing it,
> because of the trademark infringement.)
> The other option is to rename OOo now, and trademark the new name in
> at least the major countries of the world, prior to the release of the
> new version with the new name.

Interesting idea. What name would be suitable? Freedom office, perhaps?
or the People's Office? It would also counter MS and its OOXML piracy of
the name.

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