Hi, About a year ago I produced a promo spot for OpenOffice.org for my
podcast, The Force Field. At the time something happened in the Marketing
group that sort of soured me to the idea of promoting it on my own so I
pulled it before it was finished. I did, however, keep the OOo banner link
on my web site.

Now I am willing to give it another try, but I will not produce anything
like what I did before. I will just do a short read during the news and
comment segment of the show. If anyone here is interested, you can send me
three or four lines of copy to read and I will include it in the next
episode. It can be a collaborative effort but it needs to be positive.

HOWEVER, this needs to be a clean, cut and dry promo. I would need it within
the next week or so. If it needs committee approval fine, but no
bureaucratic nonsense, please.

Sorry for that statement, but I've been on this list a long time so I know
how it works sometimes. All I need is a little promo. 

This is a free promo on my podcast with a personal endorsement for OOo. The
podcast is aimed at IT Service Providers, field service technicians and
resellers, most of whom resell, recommend and/or install hardware and
software to end users. To get an idea of what I am referring to you can
listen to an episode of the podcast here
http://www.theforcefield.net/wordpress and the web site is here

As a community distributor I welcome the opportunity to promote OOo on the
podcast and my site with the support of the community.

Rick Savoia
Savoia Computer
Host of The Force Field podcast for IT Professionals

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