Bernhard Dippold wrote:
> Andy Brown schrieb:
>> Still waiting on the Art project for the banner art, trying to tie in
>> with the 10 anniversary.
> If you want to be consistent with the new branding, this would not only
> apply to banners, but to poster and CD labels as well.
> We're just starting our work at the Branding Initiative
> (, but defining a consistent
> style for OOo will take a few more weeks.
> So I can't tell you about the future design at the moment.
> If you want to stay with the present design instead, CD labels are part
> of this gallery:
> This would have the advantage of being consistent with your pamphlet.
>> I finally have a good pamphlet, how may do we need?
> If you wait for the future design, the pamphlet graphics will have to
> updated too.
> Best regards
> Bernhard

Morning Bernhard,

My first thought was to wait for the new stuff.  Then realized that the
current art is consistent with version 3.2 which is what the disks will
have on them.  As such it would be best to stick with what we have and
wait to make changes when the branding is complete and added to the
program, ie splash screen.


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