
If <devlopers> section is missing in some plugins  it should be added there.

It should be clearly indicated who is a responsible for each of the plugins
and who is "the man" which should be contacted
when any changes to plugin are going to be added. It's clear that each
plugin has different developers. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Heritier Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 5:27 PM
> To: Maven Dev (E-mail)
> Subject: [VOTE] Remove developers from plugins project.xml
> Hi all,
>       I would like to propose that we remove the developers 
> declaration in the pom for each plugin and that we use only 
> the one in the plugin-parent.
>       Why ????
>       Because :
>       - It will simplify the maintenance. There are 
> approximatively 80 plugins and 20 or 30 comitters.
>       - In several plugins we find as developers : 
> <developers/> !!!! God made them, it's magic ??
>       - A lot of reports generated with the 
> developer-activity plugin are incomplete because it uses the 
> developer list to find our description when we commit a patch 
> or a change.
>       - With the time, some comitters stop to support some 
> plugins and the developper list isn't updated.
>       I think it will be simpler to update only one list 
> which will represent in our case the comitters. 
> VOTE : [  ] I want to remove developers from plugins poms and 
> to update the list in the plugin-parent.
> For me
> [+1] I want to remove developers from plugins poms and to 
> update the list in the plugin-parent.
> Axway - Sopra Group 
> Axway France Services
> Tél. : +33 (0)1 47 17 22 79 
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