First things first. maven-invoker and maven-invoker-plugin are not separate things. The maven-invoker-plugin uses maven-invoker, but maven-invoker is meant to be a reusable library, not just a plugin. Aside from this, there is actually a good reason for running integration tests using maven and maven plugins. Many users can submit stripped-down project builds that exhibit a certain error; fewer would be able (or willing) to submit the same failure in the form of a junit test. A failing build should be able to be incorporated directly into the test suite, and if it makes sense, later be split into lower-level junit tests to check the behavior of a certain component. JUnit is best suited to unit tests, as its name suggests. For integration testing, where you actually need to integrate the container (Maven, I mean) with a suite of plugins, IMO it makes much more sense to provide the flexibility of executing maven as a separate process (or embedded, this option simply hasn't been developed for the invoker plugin yet...mainly because the 2.0.x embedder sucks). This makes it trivial to test command-line options, different versions of maven, or any number of configurations that are somewhat external to Maven's core apis, without having to develop and constantly verify the validity of testing harnesses. The maven- verifier (not the verifier plugin, I know it's confusing) gets away from this, in that it requires a project directory in src/test/ resources AND a JUnit test case to orchestrate the test. IMO, this makes it extremely difficult to run a single core integration test from the command line, so you can capture logs for offline examination, for instance.

Again, the idea behind test builds driven by the invoker is to provide a test suite with a low barrier to entry, and with all the potential for configuration present in the main user's experience with Maven. It's not a panacea, but neither is writing JUnit tests that orchestrate and verify test-build resources in a separate directory structure, which can really only be run properly from the JUnit api.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you have two different integration-testing profiles to deal with, and they are distinct:

1. testing the core features built into maven
2. testing the functionality of a single plugin in different situations

I'm not at all sure that it makes sense to try and merge these two scenarios behind a single api...what would it give you? I do think the verifier used in core-integration-tests should be merged with some other, more general verification mechanism. However, it's also critical to allow a project's POM to remain unmodified for the purposes of orchestrating or verifying the build. Modifying the POM introduces the potential to taint the test results, and can limit flexibility in terms of verification. For instance, if you need to simply scan the console output for a particular message, it becomes much more difficult to do this if you try to do it while the build is still running.

Just to be clear, I don't think writing invoker-plugin-driven test builds is a good substitute for writing unit tests. Unit tests will cover the code far more completely in most cases, and as you pointed out, can be graphed and rendered into all sorts of shiny reports much more readily.

Also, I'd like to know how you would suggest writing integration tests using junit without the invoker functionality (the real meat of the invoker plugin) and without access to the maven 2.1 embedder (it's not available in any real way in 2.0.x).

I guess what I'm wondering is how these tests will really look, once you've taken out the verifier and eliminated the use of the invoker (for the most part, at least)? You say JUnit or even Beanshell, but those are just technologies; how will you use them?


On Dec 11, 2007, at 10:06 PM, Dan Fabulich wrote:

John Casey wrote:

What you're seeing as overlap is a mixture of concerns in the invoker plugin. The verifications beanshell really needs to be migrated out to some sort of proper integration-testing plugin (or, even better, a plugin that unites invoker and verifier under a common configuration...then extend the verifier with the invoker's beanshell functionality). Regardless, the invoker plugin can be used for any sort of scenario where you need to fork a new maven process. I've personally used it to proxy secondary builds in some sticky client use cases. You don't have to use the beanshell script to verify the build, it's just an [admittedly confusing] option.

As I've remarked before, I find it weird that various Maven developers have gone and written _plugins_ to do Maven integration testing.

Integration tests are just tests; we know how to write/run tests using real test frameworks like JUnit and TestNG. Those frameworks are pretty cool; you can do stuff like rerun failures-only, graph results over time, write data-driven tests, etc. You can even use them to write tests in scripting languages like Groovy, BeanShell, etc. All that AND you get excellent IDE integration.

More generally, while I certainly see the value of a maven-invoker- plugin, I don't expect that you'd want that to be the "normal" way people would write Maven integration tests.

Right now there are four things: maven-verifier, maven-verifier- plugin (no relation!), maven-invoker, and maven-invoker-plugin.

I think I'd like to advocate ripping out the bulk of maven-verifier and make it depend entirely on maven-invoker. Since maven-verifier is so confusingly named, I think I'd want to take the good bits out and put them in maven-integration-test-helper (which is what maven- verifier really is, anyway).

More controversially (?) I'd like to deprecate the idea of writing *tests* using the maven-invoker-plugin, instead preferring to write them in Java (or BeanShell, I'm easy!) running them using a "real" test framework. maven-invoker-plugin should still be used for spawning sub-builds in those delightful cases where that's necessary.



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John Casey
Committer and PMC Member, Apache Maven
mail: jdcasey at commonjava dot org

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