I think you're misunderstanding me: I was talking about test coverage within _wagon_ itself. Since wagon is on a separate release cycle to Maven core, Maven releases have to consume released versions of wagon. This means 72h of voting and so forth before releasing a new wagon version.

I understand this is a lot like interpolation changes within maven-project, but there is one important difference: when problems arise with interpolation during RCs, we have a lot of flexibility WRT fixing those issues, since it's in the Maven codebase (or else in a dependency that has more relaxed criteria for a release).

My biggest concern here is that proxied connections are one of the most common problems new users have with Maven; I appreciate that they're fixed in the 1.0-beta-4 snapshot up for a vote, but the fact that something this common wasn't tested in wagon itself before it was released worries me. A lot. It's not appropriate for Maven's own ITs to serve as the only test suite for wagon, because that means its much more likely Maven releases will get stuck on this sort of issue, where we're blocked by a wagon release before we can move forward.

Again, to me it's all about the fact that Maven's core is a consumer of the wagon libraries, which are released on a separate cycle, for use in (I'm assuming) several projects. The fact that we got three RCs into a release of a Wagon consumer project says something about that consumer project; but IMO the fact that Wagon made it through testing to get a release out with a defect in such a common feature is much more worrisome.

I'm saying that, again IMO, we need to spend some serious time on wagon's test suite before we attempt to upgrade the version Maven uses.


Brett Porter wrote:
I understand the concerns, but let me try and explain where I'm coming from.

On 29/07/2008, at 1:58 AM, John Casey wrote:

What really concerns me is that this release has been in the wild for quite awhile now, and this issue is just coming to light. Plenty of people use proxies, so it's not like it's that shady a corner of the implementation.

Do you mean beta-3, or 2.0.10-RC? For beta-3, the problem is that it's just impossible to test it without upgrading core, because it forces the provider-api on you.

I guess what I'm getting at is I wonder if the test suite for wagon is good enough to give us confidence in moving forward without a substantial soak period in something like Maven (as could happen if we make the change asap after 2.0.10, to give people a lot of time using it in the run-up to 2.0.11).

Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure how this is going to be any different to 2.0.10. It was already in there for a month and no one noticed this particular issue. I tested HTTP proxying, but I messed something up in my environment - there is now an integration test to verify it instead. I spent a lot more time on testing WebDAV and SSH as that's where the bulk of the changes were. We did go through a reasonable amount of testing a month ago to the point people were happy to approve the wagon release.

I think this is quite the same as the interpolation changes - we knew they were risky and were prepared to spend more time testing them, and as issues have cropped up you have fixed them and moved forward beefing up the test suite along the way.

The fixes in Wagon have been very insignificant in b3 to b4 if you want to review them all:

http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-wagon-commits/200806.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-wagon-commits/200807.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-wagon-commits/200807.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-wagon-commits/200807.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would prefer to get this in and call on users to test deployment and proxying in their environment specifically. The RCs are the best time to draw light to it.

I care as much as everyone else about not having any regressions. Given the extent of the interpolation changes as well as these, this is a good release to run through a longer series of RCs anyway, and we're in no rush - right?


Brett Porter

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John Casey
Developer, PMC Member - Apache Maven (http://maven.apache.org)
Blog: http://www.ejlife.net/blogs/buildchimp/

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