On 30/07/2008, at 12:01 PM, John Casey wrote:

I think you're misunderstanding me: I was talking about test coverage within _wagon_ itself. Since wagon is on a separate release cycle to Maven core, Maven releases have to consume released versions of wagon. This means 72h of voting and so forth before releasing a new wagon version.

I get that... but with the release having passed it'll be out today anyway. If there were going to be repeated cycles of releases of Wagon needed then that'd be an issue - but so far only one bug was found.

My biggest concern here is that proxied connections are one of the most common problems new users have with Maven; I appreciate that they're fixed in the 1.0-beta-4 snapshot up for a vote, but the fact that something this common wasn't tested in wagon itself before it was released worries me. A lot. It's not appropriate for Maven's own ITs to serve as the only test suite for wagon, because that means its much more likely Maven releases will get stuck on this sort of issue, where we're blocked by a wagon release before we can move forward.

Again, to me it's all about the fact that Maven's core is a consumer of the wagon libraries, which are released on a separate cycle, for use in (I'm assuming) several projects. The fact that we got three RCs into a release of a Wagon consumer project says something about that consumer project; but IMO the fact that Wagon made it through testing to get a release out with a defect in such a common feature is much more worrisome.

I'm saying that, again IMO, we need to spend some serious time on wagon's test suite before we attempt to upgrade the version Maven uses.

Well, I went ahead and did this to the best of my abilities. It now tests:
- HTTP over proxy
- HTTP proxy authentication
- HTTP header setting
- HTTP Basic authentication
- SSH + HTTP proxy
- SSH + SOCKS proxy
- all wagon methods (code coverage is >80%, only some exceptional conditions are skipped).
- internals better, like checksum observer

What is not tested:
- SSH and FTP group and permission setting (I tried a couple of things, but you just can't do this from Java - we'll need to a programmable test server like we have for Jetty). That said, I spent a lot of time testing SSH permissions on the original changes by hand because it was the issues I was correcting and I'm confident they are right now.

This didn't require any non-test code changes, so the results are applicable to beta-4.

Is there anything else you need?

- Brett

Brett Porter

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