I don't think the speed with with beta-3 and beta-4 were done are in sync with the rigor that's been going into the 2.0.x releases.

I think beta-2 should have been cut as 1.0 and then moved one. Applied real bug fixes but we did a bunch of things to the API and sweep changes to implementations and I don't think we can let a library destabilize the 2.0.x releases even if the potential is low. Wagon problems seem to be cropping up and it's just safer to go back.

On 28-Jul-08, at 8:58 AM, John Casey wrote:

What really concerns me is that this release has been in the wild for quite awhile now, and this issue is just coming to light. Plenty of people use proxies, so it's not like it's that shady a corner of the implementation.

I guess what I'm getting at is I wonder if the test suite for wagon is good enough to give us confidence in moving forward without a substantial soak period in something like Maven (as could happen if we make the change asap after 2.0.10, to give people a lot of time using it in the run-up to 2.0.11).

Beta-2 might be inferior in some ways, but it's a known quantity. At this point I'm really concerned about dashing ahead with -beta-4 after -beta-3 had this sort of latent issue.

Just my $0.02.


Brett Porter wrote:
On 29/07/2008, at 12:40 AM, John Casey wrote:
I think moving back to -beta-2 will be much less risky. We can try again for -beta-3 in 2.0.11 or when it's ready.
I'll leave it up to you. I still think it is worth the upgrade, if only to get proper scp group permission setting available finally. beta-3 has been in place for a month, and there's a couple of other things to revert if this is done, so there's risk both ways. The beta-4 JARs are staged and the integration tests for proxying are in place if you want to try it out - it was a one line fix for a missing variable assignment, and aside from that there are just two NPE fixes that had been reported earlier.


Brett Porter wrote:
Hi John,
Unfortunately, I've found that HTTP proxies don't work. I added an integration test which passes on 2.0.9. I've already fixed the problem on Wagon trunk and the test passes with 2.0.10-RC4- SNAPSHOT (not committed as it would bump wagon to a snapshot).
This leaves the following options:
- release Wagon for inclusion as we continue through the RC cycle (I will start the vote process tomorrow regardless) - I can try a workaround either by including the patched AbstractWagon source file or creating a delegating wagon implementation that corrects the proxy setting. - rollback to wagon-beta-2 (would need to mark any related fixes as in 2.0.11, remove the user agent stuff, etc.)
What are your thoughts?
Sorry about the inconvenience.
On 26/07/2008, at 7:20 AM, John Casey wrote:
Hi again,

We've solved all of the issues brought up in response to the 2.0.10-RC2 release candidate, minus MNG-3678 (which I've postponed to 2.0.11 so we can take a look at whether this is happening by design, and what resolution we want to pursue for it).

The issues we've solved for this release candidate are:

- MNG-3679
- MNG-3680
- MNG-3684

...in addition, Brett took care of the verbose output related to artifact resolution that were popping up.

Again, for a full list of issues resolved so far for the 2.0.10 release, see:


Please give this release candidate a whirl, and let me know if you have any problems. I'm trying to collect all issues in JIRA with fix-for of 2.0.10, so if you want to file a JIRA ticket for your issue and include a failing test case, that will make my job that much quicker.



John Casey
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Brett Porter
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John Casey
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Brett Porter
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John Casey
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Jason van Zyl
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