Op ma, 21-08-2006 te 11:14 -0400, schreef Mike Kienenberger:
> Do we want to list out who's responsible for components on the wiki?
> It seems like ththis would encourage having people send email directly
> an individual committer rather than the MyFaces community.

Hmm, good point.
> Once things are checked into the repository, we should all be
> collectively responsible for the code.   There are going to be people
> who have a lot more invested into a component, but does that require a
> tracking page?    SVN logs will show who has been committing changes
> to a particular component.

Personally I favour the way they do things at Gentoo Linux: instead of
everyone being collectively responsible for the code, they have divided
their committer community into groups, each with a project lead. For
example, they have a Java group, an Apache group, etc.


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