I mean Mario and me talked about a thing like
"fix 2 bugs a month". Also not really Apache, so why just
discussed stuff during a beer, or more ...


On 8/21/06, Werner Punz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok valid points are risen, that it is not Apache like...
I think a vote on whether we keep the page or not
might be good...
as I said, I wanted to achieve a different purpose
for this, namely to have categorized which
components are dojoized, so that I have it easier
to test after dojo upgrades (hence also
the current maintainers of the components)
but Craig and the others have risen a valid point.
Lets either vote on this, or just do it the wiki
way and remove yourself if you feel out of place
in there.
All I really need is some sort of component categorization
so that I can keep track of things...
I did not want to open a Pandoras box here.

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
blog: http://jroller.com/page/mwessendorf
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

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