Hi *,

if Leonardo does as discussed, we can have both the 1.1 version and
1.2 from the same branch. (I don't see why this shouldn't be



> > Leonardo Uribe wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 4:58 PM, simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>     The list of components is fine. And I very much appreciate all
> >>     your work
> >>     on this and the tomahawk bugs you've been fixing recently.
> >>
> >>     However at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I would
> >> like to
> >>     point out that AFAIK there has still been no vote on whether to
> >> have a
> >>     tomahawk 2.0 at all. And I would vote -1 on such a thing; abandoning
> >>     tomahawk users on JSF1.1 would be bad, and the community is just
> >>     not big
> >>     enough to support two parallel tomahawk branches. The fact that
> >>     you are
> >>     about the only person to commit to tomahawk in the last month should
> >>     make that obvious. The minor benefits of a JSF1.2-specific tomahawk
> >>     branch are far outweighed by the pain.
> >>
> >>
> >> I have a different opinion about this. Sooner or later we have to
> >> upgrade this lib (I think better sooner than later).
> >> The component generator does the big part of the update (write
> >> component and tag classes),
> >> only minor changes on the renderers was done to make all examples
> >> work (the big part
> >> of the work is on build module). Move changes from one branch to
> >> another should be an
> >> easy task. Passing tomahawk to 1.2 let us see more bug on myfaces
> >> 1.2, and upgrade
> >> tomahawk 1.1 apps should be easy. JSF 1.2 has more than one year and
> >> JSF 2.0 is
> >> coming. The only thing to be taken into account is continue doing
> >> releases on
> >> 1.1 and that's all.
> >>
> >> It's a matter of subjective opinions (all valid of course). But in my
> >> humble opinion, better
> >> move forward than stay quiet. Not one step back, nor to catch momentum.
> >>
> >> regards
> >>
> >> Leonardo Uribe
> >
> Scott O'Bryan schrieb:
> > I agree with Leonardo totally.  Just because you have a 2.0 branch
> > does not mean that you drop support for 1.1.  It simply means that
> > things which cannot be made 1.1 compatible continue to migrate and
> > that the stuff which is already in place, embraces any emerging
> > standards.  Furthermore, it gives Tomahawk users a much clearer
> > upgrade path into the new technologies.  Trinidad, for instance, has
> > had a 1.2 branch for a few months and we are totally seeing
> > enhancements going into both branches.  Things go into 1.2 as the
> > exception, not the rule.
> >
> > I fully support making sure that 1.1 continues to move ahead because
> > 1.1 is MyFace's largest community of users.  But PREVENTING projects
> > from moving to the new technology only hurts those renderkits and
> > helps no-one....  One of the key issues with open source is that
> > developers work on what they want/need to work on.  If people in the
> > community continue to restrict developers from supporting the new
> > standards for a renderkit, the renderkit will loose developers and
> > support.  Instead of having active development in a project with a
> > little more emphasis on the later standards, you'll end up with no
> > development at all.
> Argh..top-posting in reply to a thread that already has bottom-posting
> established as a convention is REALLY ANNOYING. I've therefore moved the
> reply text to a sane position.
> The thing I am really concerned about here is ensuring that there are
> enough tomahawk developers to actually keep the project alive. Therefore
> in this case, I think that only the opinions of those who are actually
> active developers count.  Scott, it's all very well you saying that both
> 1.1 and 1.2 should be supported, but someone has to actually do that,
> and I don't see your name in the commit list...
> Here's some actual stats on commits since feb 2007 (ie for the last 12
> months)
> baranda: 3
> bommel: 1   (website only)
> cagatay: 14
> dennisbyrne: 2
> gmuellan: 6
> grantsmith: 13
> imario: 10
> jlust: 1
> manolito: 10 (mostly buildsystem fixes)
> matzew: 4
> mkienenb: 14
> mmarinschek: 8
> pmahoney: 24
> skitching: 42
> tomsp: 2
> werpu: 4
> total patches: 158 in 12 months --> 13 per month -> 3 per week
> Hmm..interestingly, lu4242 (Leonardo) does not appear on this list,
> except for one of matzew's patches that credits leonardo. All Leonardo's
> patches must have been to sandbox or the "tomahawk 2.0 branch". I think
> we can count Leonardo among the active developer pool anyway.
> By the way, a lot of the above commits are checking in patches provided
> by other people; sorry I can't properly credit them here.
> The numbers for myself (skitching) are somewhat misleading; a big chunk
> of those are just on one component, the t:calendar. And likewise for
> pmahoney; most of the commits are just for the schedule component.
> This really does not look like a lot of people or traffic.
> Now let's look at JIRA:
>   http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMAHAWK
> There are 390 open issues of severity Major or above. So at the current
> commit rate, that will take 2.5 years to clear them, assuming one patch
> fixes one issue.
> In this situation, we really do NOT need to increase the amount of work
> it takes to maintain Tomahawk.
> Leonardo, are you saying that moving to a code-generation approach will
> allow us to maintain a single trunk of code that can then be "generated"
> into JSF1.1 *and* JSF1.2 compatible variants without additional effort?
> That would be nice, but I do find it hard to believe...
> And I am still puzzled about what these gains a JSF1.2-specific tomahawk
> will get. Ok, so we get to use the new for-loops and generic
> collections. Excuse me for not getting up and dancing around the room;
> these are nice but not *that* exciting. JSF1.2 *is* generally
> backwards-compatible, so by sticking with JSF1.1 we support *both* sets
> of users with just one trunk of code.
> On the issue of using the maven-faces-plugin code generator, I'm a
> little less concerned; -0 would be my vote. I believe it will raise the
> complexity bar for external patch contributors and new committers which
> again is not what we need right now. However it's not fatal.
> The splitting of code into two trunks means checking each patch against
> both branches. This duplication of work, unit tests, etc. is the bit I'm
> really afraid will lead to the JSF1.1 branch of tomahawk dying from
> neglect very shortly after any "tomahawk 2.0" release. The only people
> who can stop that are active committers - and at least one (me) is very
> worried.
> Regards,
> Simon



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