
Facelets are apache 2.0 licensed, why do we reinvent them?

Best regards,

Simon Lessard schrieb:

On my side I'll try to work and finish Facelets part within 2 weeks, fater than that is impossible for me atm.


~ Simon

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Werner Punz <werner.p...@gmail.com <mailto:werner.p...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:

        regarding tree visitor, this may help:


    Thanks for the link, I will get it and compare it to what I have...
    I assume there wont be too much which I still can integrated in
    the PartialVisitContext since I am rather optimized already and
    bound by the spec!



        On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Werner
        Punz<werner.p...@gmail.com <mailto:werner.p...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            Michael Concini schrieb:

                Wasn't there a plan to have some of the partial tree
                traversal work done
                as part of the Google Summer of Code?  I seem to
                recall some discussion
                around this awhile back (don't have time to dig
                through the mailing list
                archives right now to check).  Does anybody remember
                what the plan was with
                Google SoC?

            Interesting question, but I assume I only have a small
            subset of the needed
            functionality implemented, the one we need for PPR so,
             I will commit my tomorrow as soon as I have tested it,
            whoever wants to do
            something in GSOC can pick it up and refine it. But have
            in mind, my work
            currently only coveres the area of providing a
            PartialVisitContext so that I
            have a complete state for PPR in this area!
            If someone comes with a better solution I dont have any
            problem dropping the
            code again ;-)


                Werner Punz wrote:

                    Michael Concini schrieb:


                        I thought it might be a good time to raise the
                        issue of solidifying a
                        plan for the MyFaces 2.0 alpha release now
                        that we've had a little time to
                        work with the release candidate draft of the
                        spec.  What are the thoughts in
                        the community with respect to what should be
                        included in an alpha release as
                        well as what the time frame should be for a
                        release.  If we can come up with
                        a target date as well as specific 2.0 features
                        we want to target for
                        inclusion, that should help in prioritizing
                        the remaining work.
                         From my end, I'd love to see a working
                        runtime in some form by the end
                        of August if that's reasonable.  As for
                        content, that is definitely more of
                        an open question. Here is my top list of what
                        I would like to see be at
                        least partially functional for an alpha release.
                        -backwards compatibility with JSF 1.x apps
                        -base support for facelets and composite
                        -AJAX support (should hopefully be in pretty
                        good shape here thanks to
                        Ganesh and team)
                        -System event support
                        -Partial view traversal



                    None from my side not sure how far Ganesh is with
                    his ajax tag!
                    The scripts already are in pretty good shape and
                    functionalitywise well
                    ahead of the RI ;-)

                    As for partial Tree traversal minor sidequestion?
                    Has anyone started to
                    work on this, because I have started to implement
                    the partial visit context
                    (I have to recheck the jira for this, because I
                    opened an issue for this
                    under partial render response issue 2116/2241)!


                    I will commit my code around tomorrow, it is
                    basically done
                    but needs some testing!


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