Thank you Neil!

So it has not died in my mind, but it is the time to bring up what's on my mind.

So please all read through the following plan for 12.2:

15th October:
- create branches: release and release122 from master
- Merge the version bump PR to master
- Merge the branch-version bump PR to release122
- Create and publish 12.2-beta1 using Jenkins as usual

22th October:

- Merge release branch to master
- Merge release branch to release122
- Publish 12.2-beta2

29th October:

- Merge release branch to master
- Merge release branch to release122
- Publish 12.2-beta3

5th November:

- Merge release branch to master
- Merge release branch to release122
- Publish 12.2-rc1 for voting
- Start the Voting process
- Hopefully creation of the 12.2 webpages start at least now.

10th November

- Remove the release branch
- Start the vote on binaries

15th of November:

- Send out release announcement.

As long as the release branch lives, the following rule applies:

- master branch go as is, new features fixes, can go in the usual manner
- release branch, if there is a fix wished to be seen in 12.2 put a PR against the release branch, if possible no-API changes please - PR-s to the release branch shall be at least marked with the 12.2 milestone and request a review from the RM

It's a pretty tight plan, please fill-in what I've missed, argue, correct, etc. Also I'm not sure if the version bump at the beginning of the release mode is a good place.

On 10/2/20 4:50 AM, Neil C Smith wrote:
On Thu, 10 Sep 2020 at 06:53, Laszlo Kishalmi <> wrote:
Still it is hard to start work on features/fixes that depend on each other.
Agreed.  One way or another we need to have the same fixes in two
branches so that development and release can progress - either
master+release or master+next.
I've been a bit busy catching up with other things since 12.1 release,
but I noticed this conversation died off.  As it stands, we'll have a
master freeze in two weeks for 12.2!  I assume we'd like to find a way
to keep code integration / development happening this time though?  I
think we need one or other approach properly documented and put
through a lazy consensus thread so everyone's on board, everyone knows
how it will work (eg. how issue fixes will be managed / kept in sync),
and any infrastructure changes required are considered prior to freeze

Best wishes,


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