Changing subject for more specific topic

   1. I noticed on the referenced properties file that it calls out pages
   for stats which are no longer accessible.  Did these remain after Apache
   migration and/or still applicable?
   2. Is there still any use case for  gathering stats still?  Maybe...
      1. Performance Metrics
         1. I would think if there is anything that could be captured to
         potentially identify bottleneck, memory leaks, etc. to help focus
         improvements, that could be of use.  However some of this may be more
         resource intensive than preferred (thus the opt in).
         2. Here I could see using a manual memory dump as needed and
         avoiding the overhead of gathering during normal use.
         3. Given changes in the JDK with Flight Controller / Mission
         Control inclusion (I believe it was open sourced and included in the
         openjdk now), would maybe more integration be an
alternative/of interest?
      2. User Metrics
         1. There was an attempt at one time to figure out stats for the #
         of downloads per OS (and/or  Linux distribution), countries,
etc which is
         more a use case of the download sites and not usage itself.
I did find an
         older (i.e. Sun era) article ( ) that
         does mention some of this sort of stats.
         2. Could maybe gather details on usage of what programming
         languages and/or plugins that are used to drive emphasis on a
given area.
         Some of that may be more baseline Netbeans and Plugin centric
so maybe a
         little edge cases there as well.
      3. Troubleshooting Metrics
      1. I could see how gathering logs when trying to send in an issue
         could be helpful but again may be out of scope of normal use
and more a
         special case when trying to gather data for potential bug reporting
      3. Privacy concerns have to be considered but since users have to opt
   in for such things which I believe is why the question is there to begin

Eric Bresie

On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 9:01 AM Neil C Smith <> wrote:

> On Thu, 25 Nov 2021 at 14:16, Michael Bien <> wrote:
> > lets remove that one. Gathering stats is a bit out of fashion anyway.
> AFAIK we don't even do anything with them anyway?  At least the links
> at
> don't go anywhere.
> > I never noticed it since i usually import the config from the last
> install.
> Actually, it would be good if everyone testing and voting on releases
> spends some time with a clean run without imported config.
> Neil
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