On 11/19/2022 8:31 AM, Tomek CEDRO wrote:
As we have this honor and pleasure to talk directly with the NuttX
RTOS author.. maybe really we should listen to Gregory Nutt himself as
the most experienced person in the room? There was a discussion in
this area and the choice is strongly reasoned not just a matter of
personal preference.. there are technical reasons why this naming
convention is most compatible with environments where NuttX can be

Experience and capability is  bell-shaped curve.  I used to be pretty good when I was young, but not so much now.  There are younger people in this list who can think me in circles.

Ultimately, naming does come down to personal preference - constrained by good sense and "the way things are".  That is inescapable.  Which is not to say that naming is not important. Someone (I forget who) was once quoted as saying something like, "If you say it is only a namespace problem, then you don't understand the problem."

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