If I understand you well, Jira seems the best place


De : "BJ Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Well I am pulling my foot out of mouth a lot.
> seems there is a sequence to do this and I have documented them
> question is where to put them so someone else does not have to hunt them
> down and stumble like me.
> Jonathon -- Improov sent the following on 11/27/2007 6:02 PM:
> > BJ has mentioned a few outstanding issues that could make the binary
> > release look incomplete.
> > 
> > Frankly, OFBiz 4.0 is far from complete, but not because it doesn't have
> > anything more than half-baked features. It's because it has so many new
> > features slapped on that are not fully implemented yet. OFBiz 4.0 has
> > enough core features to be a fully functional release.
> > 
> > While it is true that it would be good to remove those half-baked
> > features (red herrings), it would take way too much time. Also, the
> > effort would be destructive, not constructive. Would rather evolve OFBiz
> > 4.0 into the 4.x family to complete those half-baked features over time.
> > 
> > Also true that OFBiz 4.0, with its numerous new features that are
> > half-baked, could make it look bad. If we already had *one* binary
> > release, we could still use that binary release to continue collecting
> > bug reports for the next release. But as it is now, we don't have a
> > single binary release for OFBiz 4.0. With a binary release, chances are
> > we will have more testers.
> > 
> > Ok, I've done my bit for the "social aspect" of this binary release.
> > What do the others think?
> > 
> > David is right about one thing, definitely. If there are only few of us
> > who respond to Jacques' social call for release discussion, then there
> > isn't enough homework done (outstanding issues review and such) for a
> > proper release. Any other issues we need to look at?
> > 
> > (Thanks BJ, for highlighting the outstanding issues. Those fixes that
> > are easy to do would likely be thrown into the release).
> > 
> > Jonathon
> > 
> > Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> >> Jonathon, all,
> >>
> >> One day or another "we" will have to pass a vote about exposing
> >> officially the release as tarball and such.
> >> I guess one reason "we" don't do it as fast as you'd like is that it's
> >> a one man process (David has exposed number of other reasons,
> >> which you discussed below).
> >> As David briefly explained (he talked about keys) there is a release
> >> manager for each TLP (note the idea about technical and social
> >> ones)
> >>
> >>
> >> And releases must follow certains guidelines
> >>
> >>
> >> . I think we have achieved all the requirements regarding licence and
> >> such
> >> . There seems to be less and less bugs to back port and anyway this is
> >> not a criteria as explained in links above.
> >> . The documentation sounds pretty updated.
> >>
> >> But there is still some works to do :
> >> . Prepare release announcements and advertising
> >> . Create the tarballs (different types for Linux, Windows, etc.) as it
> >> was done here
> >>
> >> following
> >>
> >>
> >> . Check all  points in the 1st 2 links above
> >> . Launch an official vote (only PMC votes are binding)
> >> . Certainly some points I forgot...
> >>
> >> By chance "we" should have been thru all this during incubation (see
> >> snapshot release link above)
> >>
> >> So I think "we" are not so far from releasing. The main thing would be
> >> to have more testing for the current release4.0, and
> >> especially feedback from real production environments. Maybe we should
> >> ask for this last point on user ML ?
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> Jacques
> >>
> >>
> >> De : "Jonathon -- Improov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>>> Perhaps a good 99% of the population don't want to hear the 3
> >>>>> letters "SVN"
> >>>  >> when they attempt to download and test OFBiz.
> >>>
> >>>  > There is certainly a target audience in that. But consider the
> >>> nature of
> >>>  > OFBiz: it is most commonly used by developers or analysts that
> >>> full-on
> >>>  > customize or at least significantly configure OFBiz to make it
> >>> possible
> >>>  > to use in their businesses. It just isn't designed and hasn't been
> >>>  > implemented for OOTB (out-of-the-box) use.
> >>>
> >>> But isn't there value in mass market? The classic "funnel" structure?
> >>>
> >>> If 100 people knew about OFBiz, maybe 90 could get interested due to
> >>> the easy download and install
> >>> process. With SVN, maybe only 10!
> >>>
> >>> If 90 download OFBiz, maybe 9 will customize it themselves. The
> >>> others might be interested enough
> >>> to find help customizing it, if they see a polished or shrink-wrapped
> >>> product (no half-implemented
> >>> features that send them flying off cliff when they click on one). If
> >>> OFBiz has many "red screens
> >>> of death" (who coined this quote?) with most button clicks, maybe
> >>> none of those non-techies will
> >>> buy it.
> >>>
> >>> It's a numbers game. I don't think you need to pay much attention to
> >>> the non-techie testers. Well,
> >>> unless they submit bug reports, tons of it. But then, isn't that good
> >>> for stabilizing the release
> >>> branches of OFBiz?
> >>>
> >>> I was from sales and marketing before, so the funnel phenomenon is
> >>> deeply entrenched. 9 rejections
> >>> out of 10 is great result to me. That's why I'm still thinking that
> >>> hitting 100 folks with binary
> >>> release is still better than hitting 10 folks with SVN release. The
> >>> top of the funnel has to be large.
> >>>
> >>>  > Also consider that what we really need for a strong community is for
> >>>  > users to offer feedback and contributions to move the project
> >>> forward.
> >>>
> >>> Then wouldn't we want more non-techie testers? The common complaint I
> >>> hear is that there just
> >>> isn't enough testers and bug reports for the release branch.
> >>>
> >>>  > In fact that is the ONLY way that OFBiz moves forward as there is no
> >>>  > company that owns or sponsors OFBiz.
> >>>
> >>> Some want to own forks. I can't help that. As I had always said, this
> >>> aspect of strategic planning
> >>> for open source project like OFBiz is beyond me. I can't comment on
> >>> this.
> >>>
> >>>  > the thought of having thousands of users who don't want to
> >>> customize and
> >>>  > don't contribute is REALLY scary. Imagine all of the complaints
> >>> and problems
> >>>  > that the current community isn't big or experienced enough to
> >>> support for
> >>>  > free in a good old community fashion...
> >>>
> >>> On other hand, what about the thought of having OFBiz 4.0 largely
> >>> untested, and hardly a candidate
> >>> for binary release even after a long year? Maybe a balance somewhere
> >>> is good?
> >>>
> >>> I don't think the community is inadequate to handle every and any bug
> >>> reports that can come in for
> >>> OFBiz. If you're worried about making a bad first impression because
> >>> we rolled out a largely
> >>> clunky release, you gotta know that first impression was already
> >>> formed even now. The fact that
> >>> there's no binary release already gave many folks a first impression.
> >>> It's always
> >>> work-in-progress, and pain (in form of insulting bug reports if need
> >>> be) is a good way to improve.
> >>>
> >>> I'll be upfront with you about my own struggles in this locale. To
> >>> me, OFBiz is fighting against
> >>> QuickBooks, NetBooks, NetSuite, even SAP. Time after time, my
> >>> propositions with OFBiz loses
> >>> against those polished products. The first impression was already
> >>> formed. (So I'm forced to
> >>> package OFBiz into a stable fork for them, unfortunately.)
> >>>
> >>> You got yourself, Al Byers, Andy, many others. And now even Adrian
> >>> Crumm is becoming an expert in
> >>> the Widget Engine. Sure, there is room for improvement everywhere.
> >>> But I really don't think the
> >>> community is inadequate in technical skill sets.
> >>>
> >>>  > To put it in more concrete terms: if I have to spend 20 hours a week
> >>>  > researching stuff so people don't commit things that are
> >>> inconsistent or
> >>>  > difficult to manage or contradict or break things that exist,
> >>> where do I get
> >>>  > time to actually do administrative tasks like creating a binary
> >>> release?
> >>>
> >>> I see. Is that why you think the community isn't ready for big-bang
> >>> exposure?
> >>>
> >>> Fine. I'll learn whatever necessary to create correct and streamlined
> >>> patches (I did). I'll read
> >>> whatever I'm told to. Be strict about the coding conventions. If it
> >>> will shave that time down from
> >>> 20 hours to 2, be strict about it.
> >>>
> >>> Problem: bad contributions that require administrative overhead to
> >>> screen and process
> >>>
> >>> Possible solution: certify contributors
> >>>
> >>> Sigh. Are we really that bad?
> >>>
> >>>  > Your comments are always welcome. Feel free to re-hash too, things
> >>> certainly
> >>>  > change over time.
> >>>
> >>> Ok. I know, things will always change.
> >>>
> >>>  > Just don't be too surprised if I pull out every gun I can think of
> >>> to argue
> >>>  > against something that I think will be bad for the project,
> >>> especially if I
> >>>  > am re-writing the thoughts.
> >>>
> >>> If you didn't, I'd think the project is dead.
> >>>
> >>> For what it's worth, seeing you manage the contributions going into
> >>> OFBiz is a needed sign for
> >>> many of us that things are moving along.
> >>>
> >>> Jonathon
> >>>
> >>> David E Jones wrote:
> >>>> On Nov 26, 2007, at 10:32 AM, Jonathon -- Improov wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> The way we are doing it now, it's anal-retentive. It's like saying
> >>>>> "wait, boss, one more bugfix, just one more", and saying that for a
> >>>>> whole long year! I usually publish "release candidates" for my boss,
> >>>>> let him test it, let him scream the bug reports to me, then release
> >>>>> the next "release candidate" when he's gotten upset enough.
> >>>> Maybe the way you are doing it now... "we" is going a little far...
> >>>>
> >>>>> Ok, next question. So why not just let the whole world test the moving
> >>>>> OFBiz 4.0 branch? Why bother with publishing tarballs and release
> >>>>> candidates? Here's a simple analogy. Try telling our bosses "boss, can
> >>>>> you learn some SVN and test my bugfixes, so I don't have to prepare
> >>>>> tarballs for you?". Perhaps a good 99% of the population don't want to
> >>>>> hear the 3 letters "SVN" when they attempt to download and test OFBiz.
> >>>> There is certainly a target audience in that. But consider the
> >>>> nature of
> >>>> OFBiz: it is most commonly used by developers or analysts that full-on
> >>>> customize or at least significantly configure OFBiz to make it possible
> >>>> to use in their businesses. It just isn't designed and hasn't been
> >>>> implemented for OOTB (out-of-the-box) use.
> >>>>
> >>>> Also consider that what we really need for a strong community is for
> >>>> users to offer feedback and contributions to move the project forward.
> >>>> In fact that is the ONLY way that OFBiz moves forward as there is no
> >>>> company that owns or sponsors OFBiz.
> >>>>
> >>>> So, we WANT people to use OFBiz from SVN. I don't know about the others
> >>>> who are involved more actively in managing and moderating OFBiz (ie the
> >>>> PMC members and committers), but for me the thought of having thousands
> >>>> of users who don't want to customize and don't contribute is REALLY
> >>>> scary. Imagine all of the complaints and problems that the current
> >>>> community isn't big or experienced enough to support for free in a good
> >>>> old community fashion...
> >>>>
> >>>> Don't get me wrong, I ONLY wrote what and I wrote and don't read other
> >>>> stuff into it. This (a binary release) IS something that is
> >>>> necessary to
> >>>> help grow the project, but with limited resources and most of those
> >>>> going into trying to stabilize development and contributions because
> >>>> most contributors write WAY more than they read and research... we are
> >>>> where we are, and it is what it is. To put it in more concrete
> >>>> terms: if
> >>>> I have to spend 20 hours a week researching stuff so people don't
> >>>> commit
> >>>> things that are inconsistent or difficult to manage or contradict or
> >>>> break things that exist, where do I get time to actually do
> >>>> administrative tasks like creating a binary release?
> >>>>
> >>>>> Also, given that the 3rd-party binaries (more than 50% of OFBiz
> >>>>> download size is *not* OFBiz codes!) is in the SVN, it is in the OFBiz
> >>>>> PMC's interest to lessen the load on the SVN server wherever possible.
> >>>> Nice try. Machines are machines and are cheap and easy to manage.
> >>>> People
> >>>> are people and are expensive and difficult to manage. It's that simple.
> >>>> If it makes things more difficult for developers it will hamper or kill
> >>>> the project.
> >>>>
> >>>> Not gonna happen, especially if we want it to be possible to have
> >>>> enough
> >>>> resources to put together a binary release anytime soon...
> >>>>
> >>>>> Just my 2 cents. I'm feeling very embarrassed for beating this topic
> >>>>> so much to death by now.
> >>>> Your comments are always welcome. Feel free to re-hash too, things
> >>>> certainly change over time. Just don't be too surprised if I pull out
> >>>> every gun I can think of to argue against something that I think
> >>>> will be
> >>>> bad for the project, especially if I am re-writing the thoughts.
> >>>>
> >>>> -David
> >>>>
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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