Hello Michael,

Michael Brohl <michael.br...@ecomify.de> writes:

> inline...
> Am 18.12.19 um 00:01 schrieb Mathieu Lirzin:
>> Hello,
>> @Michael: I would like to know if you intend to provide an explanation
>> regarding why it matters in production environments to be able to patch
>> “framework/component-load.xml” and “applications/component-load.xml” ?
>> This would help determining what should be done regarding [1] (meaning
>> documentation, reverting, migration guide, ...).  Sorry if I am pressing
>> you but I need that the discussion moves forward.
> Why do you "need that discussion moves forward"? I do not see any
> reason to hurry.

This need is practical because when I speak about *things* that seems
blocking for people, I can't just continue to implement the next step of
those *things* in parallel by ignoring people input, so I am effectively
blocked by this discussion.

> In my view, you still did not explain sufficiently why we need this change.
> I summarize:
> * you introduced a *new* mechanism with the goal to remove a field
> tested one

> * it does not provide any new functionality, better readability or
> fixes a bug
> * it forces users to fix their existing installations once they use a
> new release with this change

I have told you multiple times that this was not my interpretation of
what happened.  I would have appreciated if your interpretation could be
expressed in a modularized way meaning that this is your interpretation
not a proven fact.

> * you  did not answer my questions if this is tested working togehther
> with component-load.xml

To be honest I intentionnally ignored this question to keep the
discussion positive and constructive, because in the same paragraph you
were asking for unreasonable things by stating “It is not my
responsibility to prove that it is not working, it is yours to prove
that it works.”  which as every serious software developper know is
impossible unless a formal proof [1] is provided which is unrealistic in
OFBiz context.

I did not explicitly test the scenario you described because I am still
unable to see even after asking you multiple times for an explanation
and more context, why this scenario matters.

Because Samuel is a nice and constructive person, he has tried the
described scenario, and discovered that there is actually a regression
in [3] meaning that “component-load.xml” does not fully override the
<depend-on> declarations.

So for your pleasure the commit is going to be reverted. \o/

> PS: I'd suggest to open a feature branch with the changes and upcoming
> changes. This removes pressure to get things into the trunk just to
> move forward and would allow the community to study the approach
> without the downside to break anything in trunk before the solution is
> worked out as a whole.

That is an option, however creating a feature branch has trade-offs,
meaning the longer it stays alive the more difficult it becomes
mergeable.  My impression is that a feature branch for the “Location
independent extension mechanism” work [2] will necessarly be long-lived
with a lot of impact in the framework. As a consequence that branch will
quickly be unmergeable and become effectively a fork.

As a consequence I would rather prefer to keep the active development of
[2] in trunk to avoid creating a fork.  My understanding is that the big
changes that Taher introduced some years ago (Plugins, Gradle, Startup)
were done with overall community consensus on trunk, but maybe I am
overlooking some important details.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer-assisted_proof

Mathieu Lirzin
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