Hello Taher,

Taher Alkhateeb <slidingfilame...@gmail.com> writes:

> I was involved in some of the biggest changes in the framework
> (gradle, unit tests, start component, core framework, etc ...) and
> every time it involved a good deep discussion on the mailing list
> trying to reach consensus before implementation.
> So I recommend always treading carefully when doing larger changes and
> getting others involved. Sometimes people surprise you with better or
> simpler solutions if you give them the opportunity to express their
> opinion.

This is my perspective too, and every time I feel that an improvement I
am considering has a strong impact, I make the effort of sending an
email to this ML explaining the problem and asking for feedback on the
considered solution.

> Now regarding completely replacing the component-load.xml with
> depends-on, I'm not sure this makes much sense at the core framework
> level for a few reasons:
> - First I don't think this issue is linear. It is possible for
> example, to speed up the startup time of the system by running things
> in parallel where possible
> - Also, the multi-threaded portion of the system (some of it using the
> executor framework in java.util.concurrent) needs to be studied
> carefully to see how the loading sequence is best optimized
> - Finally, I'm just not convinced of either approach (depends-on or
> container-load) for core framework functionality. We need a better
> solution that handles the core quite differently (without the need for
> a component concept).
> So a better refactoring IMHO on the core level involves an
> architecture that does not necessarily comply with the component
> concept, and we can proceed with the original plan of further breaking
> down the system into a core deplorable framework, core components, and
> plugins.

Since you don't like either solutions and given that currently we have
both, wouldn't it be a step forward to get rid of one of them ? :-)

IMO the discussion is not about deciding if separating the framework
core into multiple components is a good idea or not.  We are only
discussing if we should remove the “component-load.xml” feature which
implies removing an historic configuration mechanism that was providing
integrators the capability to use other meta-directories than
"framework", "themes", "applications, "plugins" and to define a total
order between components in component directories.


Mathieu Lirzin
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