
I would like to make this https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/content/control/ListLayout more clear (and the content module at large as a client would like to use it in French) So from ManagerReferenceContent.pdf p.114 I decided to change "List" to "List Own Created Layouts" but the screen has changed since this page was written and I'm not sure it's ok since it seems there are 3 concepts mixed here :
Content Data Ressource

Could someone (Al?) give me some light before I really dive in, please ?



From: "Jacques Le Roux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm looking closerly at the Content application. I find the List and Find buttons very confusing. You understand when you use Find, but what is the List button used for ?

I had a look at the ManagerReferenceContent.pdf file, but I'm sorry to say that it does not help a lot. Maybe because there is a notion of Layout and Content Data Ressource mixed here ?

Also when I use the clip column I always get this error

Erreur lors de l'appel de l'événement: org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException: Problems processing event: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find resource bundle [ContentErrorUiLabel] in the locale [fr] (Could not find resource bundle [ContentErrorUiLabel] in the locale [fr])

Is this because something is missing in French, or ? (BTW what for is used the 
clip feature ? :o)

Also just got this one, and sorry but have no time to look at it...


org.ofbiz.widget.screen.ScreenRenderException: Error rendering screen [component://content/widget/layout/LayoutScreens.xml#EditLayoutUrl]: org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException: Error running Groovy script at location [component://content/webapp/content/WEB-INF/actions/layout/EditSubContent.groovy] (Error rendering FTL template (Expression thisContent is undefined on line 22, column 17 in DataResource:CMSS_DEMO_HOME.)) (Error running Groovy script at location [component://content/webapp/content/WEB-INF/actions/layout/EditSubContent.groovy] (Error rendering FTL template (Expression thisContent is undefined on line 22, column 17 in DataResource:CMSS_DEMO_HOME.)))

Actually I got plenty of other errors. Do the content data need a cleanup ?



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