What is it that you are trying to implement Jacques? In other words what sort 
of requirement do you have or feature are you trying to support?

Or are you just trying to clean up the Content Manager? There is a lot of stuff 
in the Content Manager that either doesn't work, or that is for an unclear 
purpose, and personally I'd like to see a redesign of most of it and eliminate 
a lot of what is there, possibly including the ListLayout and related pages...

In other words most stuff is not grounded in any sort of requirements or trying 
to enable specific user actions and that makes the tools kind of difficult to 
use, and even more difficult to try to define and fix...


On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 11:12:08 +0200, "Jacques Le Roux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to make this
> https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/content/control/ListLayout more clear (and
> the content module at large as a
> client would  like to use it in French)
> So from ManagerReferenceContent.pdf p.114 I decided to change "List" to
> "List Own Created Layouts" but the screen has changed since
> this page was written and I'm not sure it's ok since it seems there are 3
> concepts mixed here :
> Template
> Layout
> Content Data Ressource
> Could someone (Al?) give me some light before I really dive in, please ?
> Thanks
> Jacques
> From: "Jacques Le Roux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking closerly at the Content application. I find the List and
> Find buttons very confusing. You understand when you use
>> Find, but what is the List button used for ?
>> I had a look at the ManagerReferenceContent.pdf file, but I'm sorry to
> say that it does not help a lot. Maybe because there is a
>> notion of Layout and Content Data Ressource mixed here ?
>> Also when I use the clip column I always get this error
>> Erreur lors de l'appel de l'événement:
> org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException: Problems processing event:
>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find resource bundle
> [ContentErrorUiLabel] in the locale [fr] (Could not find
>> resource bundle [ContentErrorUiLabel] in the locale [fr])
>> Is this because something is missing in French, or ? (BTW what for is
> used the clip feature ? :o)
>> Also just got this one, and sorry but have no time to look at it...
> https://localhost:8443/content/control/EditLayoutUrl?contentIdTo=TEMPLATE_MASTER&mapKey=&contentId=CMSS_DEMO_HOME&drDataResourceId=CMSS_DEMO_HOME
>> org.ofbiz.widget.screen.ScreenRenderException: Error rendering screen
>> [component://content/widget/layout/LayoutScreens.xml#EditLayoutUrl]:
> org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException: Error running Groovy
>> script at location
> [component://content/webapp/content/WEB-INF/actions/layout/EditSubContent.groovy]
> (Error rendering FTL template
>> (Expression thisContent is undefined on line 22, column 17 in
> DataResource:CMSS_DEMO_HOME.)) (Error running Groovy script at
>> location
> [component://content/webapp/content/WEB-INF/actions/layout/EditSubContent.groovy]
> (Error rendering FTL template
>> (Expression thisContent is undefined on line 22, column 17 in
> DataResource:CMSS_DEMO_HOME.)))
>> Actually I got plenty of other errors. Do the content data need a
> cleanup ?
>> Thanks
>> Jacques

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