David Jones wrote:
On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 10:26:56 -0700, Adrian Crum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David Jones wrote:
What is it that you are trying to implement Jacques? In other words what
sort of requirement do you have or feature are you trying to support?
Or are you just trying to clean up the Content Manager? There is a lot
of stuff in the Content Manager that either doesn't work, or that is for
an unclear purpose, and personally I'd like to see a redesign of most of
it and eliminate a lot of what is there, possibly including the ListLayout
and related pages...

Has anyone ever considered integrating OFBiz with an Open Source CMS? If
there was a way to do it, we could eliminate a good sized chunk of code
and the work required to maintain it.

The problem is that most CMS systems are really pretty limited in scope and 
capabilities, and are often meant for pretty specific purposes. A lot of people 
use them and work around these limitations with CMS supplementation, like like 
a lot of companies work around ERP systems and end up writing a lot of ERP 
augmentation stuff. There are a number of nice content and document management 
pieces that have been built on the OFBiz content stuff, with the CompDoc stuff 
that is in the Content Manager being just a hint at some of the possibilities 
(like Survey integrations, document combining, revision control, approvals, and 
so on).

If we did go with an external content management system, even for simple things 
like ProductContent, a lot more effort would go into the indirect integration 
and getting them to work together.

IMO what we really need is a decent UI for managing content, and if even if we 
started out by borrowing designs from one of the existing open source ones for 
web content management it would be great. Most of the efforts so far have been, 
well, half-assed and never finished.

Maybe we could start out by moving some of the more framework-oriented stuff out of the content component and into the framework. That would help reduce the size of the component and make the "code cleanup" target smaller and easier to work with.

The other day I was working on fixing an email service bug and was surprised to find email services are kept in the content component. IMO, those should be kept in the framework - since many other components use them.


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