You have stated what caused the responses, when you made assumptions.
[I have worked with Solr, not lucene.]

You have not investigated how ofbiz works.

you can research this on your own by doing search for files that include
the word search.
and follow the code or widgets you find.

madppiper sent the following on 9/10/2008 2:07 PM:
> Not to sound rude, but frankly I am already getting sick of all of these
> false accusations. All I wanted to know was whether or not anybody ever
> tried to switch search engines. I was in the understanding that for the
> product searches, OFBiz was using Lucene (and yes, I was fully aware that
> Solr is based upon Lucene, didn't I stay that clearly?) - since that was
> obviously not the case I then asked which Search engine (if any) was in the
> use. I did not intend to sell a product here, nor am I interested in
> pursuading the rest of you into using Solr. 
> The reason to why I, personally, want to use Solr however, is because I have
> come to know and like this engine on different projects of mine. It is
> incredibly fast, and can do alot more than most other search engines can.
> The "faceted browsing", for instance, allows the user to dig deeper into the
> search results and narrow the results by keywords (or in other words facets
> that apply to any given object - it lists criteria so to speak that help
> users narrow down results by manufacturer, price, or author or whatever). It
> is also extremely powerful when it comes to correcting the userinput. It
> analyzes the input text and corrects any misspellings: 
> "Example queries demonstrating relevancy improving transformations:
>     * A search for power-shot matches PowerShot, and adata matches A-DATA
> due to the use of WordDelimiterFilter and LowerCaseFilter.
>     * A search for name:printers matches Printer, and features:recharging
> matches Rechargeable due to stemming with the EnglishPorterFilter.
>     * A search for "1 gigabyte" matches things with GB, and pixima matches
> Pixma due to use of a SynonymFilter.
> " (from:
> )
> I haven't seen that implemented in OFBiz, but if I am mistaken, I all be
> gladly proven otherwise. 
> Final question? What engine do we use for product searches then? Cached
> Fulltext-queries?
> Don't get me wrong - still very grateful for an honest, not offending
> answer... 
> Cheers,
> Paul
> P.S.:Instead of proprietary i meant native, btw - not all of us are native
> speakers you know... sorry
> P.P.S.: Solr is a stand-alone application and communicates through a port -
> hence my misunderstanding that Lucene would do the same - I have worked with
> Solr, not lucene

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