David E Jones wrote:
> On Dec 3, 2009, at 11:36 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
>> David E Jones wrote:
>>> On Dec 3, 2009, at 5:18 AM, Scott Gray wrote:
>>>> On 4/12/2009, at 1:05 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:
>>>>> If you want to review these commits why not check them in the birt
>>>>> branch...there they are separated.
>>>> I'm not so concerned about myself but more for others and in particular 
>>>> people looking at the commit history in the future.
>>>> The integration and the examples are completely different subject matters 
>>>> are should be treated as such when committing to the trunk regardless of 
>>>> how they've been committed to the branch.
>>> How would one separate them when committing them to the trunk?
>>> Typically merging a branch with the trunk involves a single commit in order 
>>> to keep it simple. It doesn't have to be that way, but it nice to simply 
>>> say branch rev X was merged into the trunk at trunk rev Y.
>> You may not have noticed, but I've done several bulk commits with
>> git+svn.  I'll do a whole bunch of work, then when everything is
>> finished, and I've doing various testing at each individual point in
>> the chain, I'll flood svn with several commits back to back.  You'll
>> see all the individual, *small* changes, as I first fix bugs, rename
>> methods, make things private from public, then finally remove whole
>> swaths of code.  Look at the UtilCache stuff I did recently, where I
>> made the constructor(s) private.
> That's great Adam, but not how branches are generally done. There is already 
> a revision history in the branch, so why duplicate that in the trunk instead 
> of doing a more traditional, easy, and clean merge?
> In fact, I like branches better if you want to collaborate with others. If 
> you don't it doesn't really matter I suppose.

If you consider that I was doing it with git, which is done offline,
then my explanation makes sense.

Scott's suggestion about keeping *trunk* history nice and neat is a
valid point.  Git allows that to happen in a much easier fashion.

And with git, you can still publish your local changes, it just takes
a bit of configuration.  Not to mention the fact that you can work
*completely* offline, even doing stuff in plains, trains, and
automobiles, saving commit history, instead of waiting for a network

> -David

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