Thanks Scott,

Right, this is true for R9.04 and 1.5 also
So the text I sent after should better be

All versions will run and compile with best performance with latest java 
version (currently 1.6 recommended), but

R4.0 is compatible with java 1.4 R9.04 is compatible with java 1.5
Trunk needs java 1.6 to compile

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From: "Scott Gray" <>
It doesn't _need_ 1.4, it's just compatible with 1.4 you can also build and run it on 1.5 or 1.6.


HotWax Media

On 10/12/2009, at 9:57 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Thanks Tim,

We should put a word about R4.0 which IIRW needs java 1.4 to compile

()  ascii ribbon campaign against HTML e-mail

From: "Tim Ruppert" <>
It was here, but I forgot it was on the home page too - will be done before you get this message:

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Dec 9, 2009, at 6:27 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Hi Tim:
Well, you can't blame a girl for asking :-)
I'll look at the "What Do You Get" stuff next. Also, I just looked at the changes and I think you said #6 was done (below) but I
don't see it on the page.

Thanks for doing this.

Tim Ruppert wrote:
Ruth, first of all, thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to do this, but I fear that we need to call a "Time Out" and recalibrate the direction you went with your offering. There are a bunch of changes here around an agenda that I've repeatedly mentioned does not seem to be inline with what the project generally pushes for development - so let's step back and look at this requirement the way we originally discussed it - to document what we have not to change it all around.
Comments inline

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Dec 9, 2009, at 5:07 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Hi Tim et al:

First, I'm not sure I know what the difference is between the column labeled "Nightly Trunk Builds" and the one labeled
"Archived Trunk Builds". Why both?

Well one is of the trunk - and one is of the trunk every month for the entire time we've been doing this. This is common functionality for many projects - that's why we do both. Check out the branches page for hte

OK, but not to get hung up on's my first go-round at suggested changes:

For starters, how about something like the following:

1) Change the big download button on the right of the page to point to the latest nightly 9.04 release build. (Not the trunk build). Also, change the text on that button from "DOWNLOAD OFBIZ" to: "New Users DOWNLOAD OFBIZ Here!".

I'd like to keep the main download as the trunk with better directions to getting the 9.04 release from this main page. Button text is too large to be graphically pleasing in any way. Let's figure another way to make this clear.

2) Change the "OFBiz Nightly Trunk Releases" heading to:
"OFBiz Nightly Release Builds"

This is committed and posted with some mods. I'm going to change the main page to OFBiz Nightly Builds (since not both are releases) and changed the branch page to OFBiz Nightly Release Builds (since it only has releases) if that makes it more clear
for you

3) Swap the "Nightly Trunk Builds" column with the "Nightly Release 9.04 Builds" column so that "Nightly Release 9.04 Builds"
may be easily seen by new users.

Again - they're both at the top of the page and I do not think this is a good idea.

4) Under the "Nightly Release 9.04 Builds" column, put something like the following:
[Recommended for new users.

I don't agree without more information about them and how they're going to use it.

The most stable code base.

+1 there.

All current stable features.

That's likely not true that all features are stable - but those are the breaks.

The best option for getting community help.]

I think this is absolutely not true.

For now, I've changed this information to the following - we can adjust it to something more when we agree:

"The most current release of OFBiz and the most stable platform for production deployments."

Also, only list 5 or so links. Add a link to list other, older builds after the 5 most recent.

Done - let's try 10 first and see what we think - but 5 is too little (I checked it out).

5) Under the "Nightly Trunk Builds" column, put something like the following: [Recommended for project committers and those who want the latest and greatest code. May not be as stable as the 9.04 nightly
release builds.]


Also, only list 5 or so recent links. Add a link to list other, older builds after the 5 most recent.]

Done - 10 for now except archives - 5 is too little - especially for archives.

6) Under the "Nightly Release 4.0 Builds" column, put something like the following: [Recommended for (legacy) compatibility with earlier releases of OFBiz. Not recommended for new development where compatibility with the 9.04 release is desired. Note: support for Release 4.0 builds may be difficult to find and hence this release is not recommended for new users.]


Also, only list 5 or so recent links. Add a link to list other, older builds after the 5 most recent.

Done - 10 for now except archives - 5 is too little - especially for archives.

I'd like to see how those changes look. That might be enough to minimize any confusion.

For the descriptions, I'd focus on cleaning up the "What you get?" area for further clarification


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