Thanks for the restatement - I really appreciate it.  

My point was that we already have a download page for the Release Branch which 
already has the button linked that you're asking for and it's found on the 
Branches / Releases page right here - .  

Let's leave the main download page the way it is for now and we'll rethink the 
strategy around pushing people to a particular version so that it matches what 
the truth is about the project.  Right now it reflects the real work we live in 
with OFBiz - not saying that's what it should be long term - just that I'm 
reluctant to simply just push people to the 9.04 branch until we have more 
discussion and recalibration around the strategy - and update our documentation 
to reflect it.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Dec 10, 2009, at 5:01 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

> Hi Tim:
> What I meant to say is:
> I'm ok with the changes you made to the OFBiz download page. Thanks.
> Regards,
> Ruth
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Find me on the web at or Google keyword "myofbiz"
> Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>> Hi Tim:
>> I don't get your point. What is wrong with 
>> FYI - I don't care so much about the feedback. I just want new users and 
>> casual "downloaders" to have a reasonable shot at a successful download and 
>> a first-time OFBiz experience.
>> Regards,
>> Ruth
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> Find me on the web at or Google keyword "myofbiz"
>> Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>> Still a bad idea.  Have you even seen the branches / releases page which 
>>> does exactly what you're asking? - 
>>> take a peek because then we can stop all of this around pushing people to 
>>> the 9.04 release.  As I've said seemingly a million times, until the things 
>>> that you said are true (IE - that you will get faster, more reliable 
>>> feedback from the community on the 9.04 release), then we need to stop 
>>> pushing this point.  It's simply not the case.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ruppert
>>> -- 
>>> Tim Ruppert
>>> HotWax Media
>>> o:801.649.6594
>>> f:801.649.6595
>>> On Dec 10, 2009, at 1:50 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>> Hi Ryan:
>>>> We could say that. Please say that! And please, have that button point to 
>>>> a 9.04 build.
>>>> Currently, that button does not point to a download of OFBiz 9.04. Instead 
>>>> you get the latest trunk build. [Hence all my original confusion and 
>>>> misunderstanding about what was going on.] So, yes, please make that 
>>>> button point to a OFBiz 9.04 build and add that text to the button. That 
>>>> would be a wonderful compromise.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ruth
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>> Find me on the web at or Google keyword "myofbiz"
>>>> Ryan Foster wrote:
>>>>> I see no reason to add "New Users" to the download button, as they are 
>>>>> not the only people who download OFBiz.  Take a look at another Open 
>>>>> Source project that has 10 million downloads as an example, WordPress.  I 
>>>>> love the fact that they display a big download button right in the middle 
>>>>> of their homepage, and also highlight their download button in their 
>>>>> navigation (  We could simply change the button to 
>>>>> say "Download OFBiz 9.04", in a similar fashion.  This states exactly 
>>>>> what the action is for new users, and tells existing users in 2 seconds 
>>>>> what release the project is on.
>>>>> Ryan Foster
>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>> 801.671.0769
>>>>> On Dec 9, 2009, at 5:07 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Tim et al:
>>>>>> First, I'm not sure I know what the difference is between the column 
>>>>>> labeled "Nightly Trunk Builds" and the one labeled "Archived Trunk 
>>>>>> Builds". Why both?
>>>>>> OK, but not to get hung up on's my first go-round at 
>>>>>> suggested changes:
>>>>>> For starters, how about something like the following:
>>>>>> 1) Change the big download button on the right of the page to point to 
>>>>>> the latest nightly 9.04 release build. (Not the trunk build). Also, 
>>>>>> change the text on that button from "DOWNLOAD OFBIZ" to: "New Users 
>>>>>> DOWNLOAD OFBIZ Here!".
>>>>>> 2) Change the "OFBiz Nightly Trunk Releases" heading to:
>>>>>> "OFBiz Nightly Release Builds"
>>>>>> 3) Swap the "Nightly Trunk Builds" column with the "Nightly Release 9.04 
>>>>>> Builds" column so that "Nightly Release 9.04 Builds" may be easily seen 
>>>>>> by new users.
>>>>>> 4) Under the "Nightly Release 9.04 Builds" column, put something like 
>>>>>> the following:
>>>>>> [Recommended for new users. The most stable code base. All current 
>>>>>> stable features. The best option for getting community help.]
>>>>>> Also, only list 5 or so links. Add a link to list other, older builds 
>>>>>> after the 5 most recent.
>>>>>> 5) Under the "Nightly Trunk Builds" column, put something like the 
>>>>>> following:
>>>>>> [Recommended for project committers and those who want the latest and 
>>>>>> greatest code. May not be as stable as the 9.04 nightly release builds.]
>>>>>> Also, only list 5 or so recent links. Add a link to list other, older 
>>>>>> builds after the 5 most recent.]
>>>>>> 6) Under  the "Nightly Release 4.0 Builds" column, put something like 
>>>>>> the following:
>>>>>> [Recommended for  (legacy) compatibility with earlier releases of OFBiz.
>>>>>> Not recommended for new development where compatibility with the 9.04 
>>>>>> release is desired.
>>>>>> Note: support for Release 4.0 builds may be difficult to find and hence 
>>>>>> this release is not recommended for new users.]
>>>>>> Also, only list 5 or so recent links. Add a link to list other, older 
>>>>>> builds after the 5 most recent.
>>>>>> I'd like to see how those changes look. That might be enough to minimize 
>>>>>> any confusion.
>>>>>> TIA
>>>>>> Ruth

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