Hi Ryan:
We could say that. Please say that! And please, have that button point to a 9.04 build.

Currently, that button does not point to a download of OFBiz 9.04. Instead you get the latest trunk build. [Hence all my original confusion and misunderstanding about what was going on.] So, yes, please make that button point to a OFBiz 9.04 build and add that text to the button. That would be a wonderful compromise.

Find me on the web at http://www.myofbiz.com or Google keyword "myofbiz"

Ryan Foster wrote:
I see no reason to add "New Users" to the download button, as they are not the only 
people who download OFBiz.  Take a look at another Open Source project that has 10 million 
downloads as an example, WordPress.  I love the fact that they display a big download button right 
in the middle of their homepage, and also highlight their download button in their navigation 
(http://wordpress.org).  We could simply change the button to say "Download OFBiz 9.04", 
in a similar fashion.  This states exactly what the action is for new users, and tells existing 
users in 2 seconds what release the project is on.

Ryan Foster
HotWax Media

On Dec 9, 2009, at 5:07 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

Hi Tim et al:

First, I'm not sure I know what the difference is between the column labeled "Nightly Trunk 
Builds" and the one labeled "Archived Trunk Builds". Why both?

OK, but not to get hung up on that...here's my first go-round at suggested 

For starters, how about something like the following:

1) Change the big download button on the right of the page to point to the latest nightly 9.04 
release build. (Not the trunk build). Also, change the text on that button from "DOWNLOAD 
OFBIZ" to: "New Users DOWNLOAD OFBIZ Here!".

2) Change the "OFBiz Nightly Trunk Releases" heading to:
"OFBiz Nightly Release Builds"

3) Swap the "Nightly Trunk Builds" column with the "Nightly Release 9.04 Builds" column 
so that "Nightly Release 9.04 Builds" may be easily seen by new users.

4) Under the "Nightly Release 9.04 Builds" column, put something like the 
[Recommended for new users. The most stable code base. All current stable 
features. The best option for getting community help.]

Also, only list 5 or so links. Add a link to list other, older builds after the 
5 most recent.

5) Under the "Nightly Trunk Builds" column, put something like the following:
[Recommended for project committers and those who want the latest and greatest 
code. May not be as stable as the 9.04 nightly release builds.]

Also, only list 5 or so recent links. Add a link to list other, older builds 
after the 5 most recent.]

6) Under  the "Nightly Release 4.0 Builds" column, put something like the 
[Recommended for  (legacy) compatibility with earlier releases of OFBiz.
Not recommended for new development where compatibility with the 9.04 release 
is desired.
Note: support for Release 4.0 builds may be difficult to find and hence this 
release is not recommended for new users.]

Also, only list 5 or so recent links. Add a link to list other, older builds 
after the 5 most recent.

I'd like to see how those changes look. That might be enough to minimize any 


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